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GDP增长是一个国家或地区经济社会发展的重要内容和前提,没有GDP增长,就不可能有发展。但是,如果GDP增长靠高投入、高消耗、高污染、低效益的方式实现,那么这种增长不但无助于经济社会的发展,反而会成为持续发展的巨大阻碍。目前实行的GDP核算体系是与以物为本的发展观、旧的工业化道路和粗放型增长方式相适应的。当我们坚持以人为本的科学发展观、走新型工业化道路和按集约型增长方式抓发展时,时代呼唤必须用绿色GDP核算体系去直接体现、引导和推动,这样,科学发展观才能得到贯彻落实。启动绿色GDP核算体系,对习惯于GDP崇拜的地方政府和企业来说,既是一个挑战,又是一个机遇。“重大历史机遇期”是与坚持以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的发展观同在的,因而也是与绿色GDP同在的。超前一步是机遇。愿我们的企业早日告别“习惯”、超前思考、立即行动,抓住绿色机遇,抓住创造幸福美好生活中的机遇,使企业的明天更强大、人民的生活更美好。 GDP growth is an important content and premise of economic and social development in a country or region. Without the growth of GDP, it is impossible to develop. However, if GDP growth is realized in a high-input, high-consumption, high-pollution and low-efficiency way, this growth will not only help economic and social development but will become a huge obstacle to sustainable development. At present, the GDP accounting system is in conformity with the concept of development based on materialism, the path of old industrialization and the extensive growth mode. When we adhere to the people-oriented scientific concept of development, taking a new road to industrialization and focusing on growth in an intensive manner, the call of the times must be directly reflected, guided and promoted by the green GDP accounting system so that the scientific outlook on development can be implemented. Starting a green GDP accounting system is both a challenge and an opportunity for local governments and enterprises accustomed to GDP worship. “Major historical opportunities ” is consistent with the concept of development that insists on people-oriented and overall coordination and sustainable development, and therefore is also in line with green GDP. One step ahead is an opportunity. May our business bid farewell to “habits” sooner rather than later, take immediate actions, grasp green opportunities, seize the opportunities in creating a happy and beautiful life, and make the business of tomorrow more powerful and the people’s life better.
地球上的水并不少。作为“蓝色金子”的水覆盖着71%的地球表面。正是由于有大量的水,所以地球才得到了“蓝色星球”的美名。 但在地球上13亿立方公里的水资源中,98%都是含盐的
目的 探讨胚胎发育不良性神经上皮肿瘤的临床特点、诊断及治疗.方法报告2例表现为癫痫的患儿(男女各1例),介绍其临床特征、神经影像学特点、手术治疗及预后.结果2例均为儿童,男女各1例,癫痫发作5~6年,MRI显示额叶长T1长T2信号,无强化,无占位效应,局部颅骨受压变薄,肿瘤近全切除后效果良好.随诊3~6个月,无复发,无癫痫发作.结论胚胎发育不良性神经上皮肿瘤是手术切除肿瘤可治愈的良性病变,术后不需
成形磨削一般采用金刚石笔来修整所需要的砂轮形状 ,金刚石笔在安装中的位置误差将影响被加工工件的精度。本文对此误差的大小进行了分析 Shaping grinding generally use d
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