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近日,工信部、发改委、财政部、国家质检总局、国家安监总局、国家能源局等多个部委已联合启动淘汰落后产能年度核查。据工信部介绍,此次核查将会重点严查长年违规企业,会对2010年以来列入淘汰落后产能公告,但未彻底拆除落后设备或生产线的企业实行挂牌督办;核查还将加强环保、能耗等执法,确定一批环保、能耗不达标的落后产能,公布经整改仍不达标的企业生产线名单,并根据相关法规进行惩处。除了严查违法企业外,此次核查的另一项重点工作是,通过实地调研,制定下一阶段淘汰落后产能工作任务和目标,并根据地方实际情况,进一步落实完善土地开发利用、融资支持、产能置换等有利于淘汰落后与转型升级良性互 Recently, a number of ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the State Administration of Work Safety and the National Energy Administration jointly started the annual verification of eliminating backward production capacity. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the verification will focus on stringent investigation of non-compliance companies for years will be included in the elimination of backward production capacity since 2010 notice, but did not completely remove the outdated equipment or production lines of enterprises listed on the supervision; verification will also strengthen environmental protection, energy Consumption and other law enforcement to determine a number of environmental protection, energy consumption non-compliance of the backward production capacity, published by the rectification and reform is still not up to the list of enterprise production lines, and punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In addition to a thorough investigation of illegal enterprises, another key task of the verification is to work out the tasks and targets for the elimination of outdated production capacity in the next phase through field research and further implement and improve land development and utilization, financing and support according to local conditions, Replacement of production capacity is conducive to the elimination of backwardness and mutual transformation and upgrading
摘要: 本文通过分析交际英语教学在国内外的发展状况,对我国中专英语交际教学进行探讨,从而解决英语教学中存在的一些问题,提高中专生的跨文化交际能力。   关键词: 交际英语教学 跨文化交际能力 中专  DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-8289.2010.09.041    一、序言  交际英语教学作为一种教学流派,因为具有语言学理论和社会语言学理论的渊源,已在世界上得到认可。在其发展
【摘要】玻璃马赛克镶嵌壁画是一种很早就出现的镶嵌艺术,它起源于欧洲,在中国也曾出现过繁荣,但是因为颜色的单一,逐渐淡出人们的视线。随着科学技术的发展,中国的玻璃马赛克制作技术也有很大的提高,目前市场上的颜色也比较丰富,可以制作出很好的玻璃马赛克壁画镶嵌作品,而用“序列法”镶嵌手法对形象相对复杂、色彩相对丰富的图形表现是一个很好的选择。  【关键词】壁画;玻璃马赛克;镶嵌;色彩  一、引言  玻璃马
3月10日,国家税务总局局长王军表示,煤炭资源税改革会很快提到议事日程。  王军表示,目前,PPI(工业生产者出厂价格指数)、CPI (居民消费价格指数)相对比较低,煤炭资源税由从量计
摘要:在信息不对称下,学生的确存在抄袭的激励,而且可能导致论文写作的“逆向选择”。抄袭决策与学生对论文的期望值、论文写作的收获及抄袭可能的处罚力度有直接的关系。应该对高校毕业论文设计进行深入改革,改变论文写作模式,提高学位论文质量激励,加强论文监督审核机制,完善师生互动机制。   关键词:高校扩招 毕业论文 抄袭博弈 信息不对称    DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-8289.20