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石鲁(1919~1982),是中国长安画派的中流砥柱和杰出代表。曾任西北美协副主席、《西北画报》社社长、中国美协常务理事、中国美协陕西分会主席、中国书协陕西分会主席。石鲁原名冯亚珩,四川仁寿人,自幼学习中国画,因崇拜清朝画家石涛和现代作家鲁迅,故易名石鲁。60年代,石鲁与赵望云等画家坚持“一手伸向生活,一手伸向传统”的原则,大胆改造中国画,开创了闻名中外的长安画派。石鲁是一位多面手,山水、人物、花鸟、书法、印章、诗词、文学无所不能、无所不精,从艺术成就和影响看,他的书画成就最高,影响最大方面以超迈古今的大胆探索彪炳于世,成为一代大师。他的书画作品有三大特色,一是善于用传统山水画表现革命历史重大题材,令中国画耳目一新,也为中国画创出一条新路;二是作品个性极强、风格独具,他的笔墨举鼎有力,运笔昂扬顿错,粗狂有棱角,无论是绘画、还是书法,都能看到他力透纸背,坚挺壮伟,尤其是颤腕行笔如火山爆发、山崩地裂;三是他的作品构思独特、意境深邃,有一种豪放的阳刚之气,如最典型的代表作《转战陕北》,以大山的雄健为烘托,象征毛泽东“胸中自有雄兵百万”,把中国画提高到一个新的层次,备受推崇,视为思想性与艺术性最完美的结合,开创了以传统山水画形式表现重大革命历史主题的先河,成为艺术探索道路上重要的里程碑。 Shi Lu (1919 ~ 1982) is the mainstay and outstanding representative of the Chang’an Painting School in China. Former Northwest American Association vice chairman, “Northwest Pictorial” president, China Artists Association executive director, Chinese American Association chairman of Shaanxi branch, China Association of Shaanxi branch chairman. Shi Lu formerly known as Feng Yaheng, Sichuan Renshou people, learning Chinese painting since childhood, because of the worship of the Qing Dynasty painter Shi Tao and modern writer Lu Xun, it is easy to name Shi Lu. In the 1960s, such artists as Shi Lu and Zhao Wangyun insisted on the principle of “one hand to life and one hand to the tradition”, boldly transformed Chinese painting and opened up a school of Chang’an painting famous both at home and abroad. Shilu is a versatile, landscape, people, flowers and birds, calligraphy, seals, poetry, literature omnipotent, omnipotent, from the artistic achievements and influence, his painting and calligraphy achievements of the highest, Explore the world, as a generation master. His works of calligraphy and painting have three major characteristics. First, he is good at using traditional landscape painting to show major themes of revolutionary history, making Chinese painting refreshing and creating a new path for Chinese painting. Second, his works are highly individualized and unique, , Writing proficient, rough and angular, whether painting or calligraphy, can see him through the paper back, strong and strong, especially trembling wriggling such as volcanic eruptions, landslides; third is his work with unique ideas There is a bold masculinity, such as the most typical masterpiece “fought in northern Shaanxi”, with the magnificent mountains as a symbol of Mao Zedong’s “own chest million”, the Chinese painting to a new level, Highly respected, regarded as the perfect combination of ideology and artistry, pioneered the historical theme of revolution in the form of traditional landscape painting, and became an important milestone on the road to art exploration.
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