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最近听到一些报纸上出差错的事,有的错得实在邪乎。有家报纸没有识破作者的编造,刊出:“杨宗保是女娃娃”,另外好几家报刊也以讹传讹,接连转载。有的小报错字连篇,有的报纸重稿成灾。诸如此类的“新闻”,说明报纸编辑把关的机制还有问题。把关是编辑的一项主要职责。所谓把关,就是一手掌绿灯,为好的稿件放行,让它们在版面的适当位置上同广大读者见面;一手掌红灯,拦住形形色色的差错,不许它们钻到版面上去捣乱。报纸上有无差错,差错多少,直接关系到报纸的质量和声誉。有的重大政治性差错见了报,会在国内外造成恶劣影响。消灭差错对各家报纸都是大事。 I’ve heard some mistakes in some newspapers lately. Some are really wrong. A newspaper did not break through the author’s creation, published: “Yang Zongbao is a female doll,” while several other newspapers also corruptly asserted, one after another reprint. Some tabloids typo, some reprinted disaster. The “news” of this sort shows that there are still problems with the mechanism of newspaper editors. Check is a major responsibility of editors. The so-called check, is the palm of the hand green light for good manuscript release, let them in the layout of the appropriate place to meet with the majority of readers; palm red light, stopped all kinds of mistakes, not allow them to drill into the layout to make trouble. There are no errors in the newspaper, the number of errors, is directly related to the quality and reputation of the newspaper. Some major political mistakes have been reported, which will have adverse effects both at home and abroad. Eliminating mistakes is a big deal for every newspaper.
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