Study on Optimized Pattern of Forest Ecosystem Management in Dagangshan

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alongalong2008
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A comprehensive analysis was made based on the relevant information from the results of the orientation study by the Dagangshan Forest Ecosystem Research Station obtained in the past 20 years The conclusions reached from the study are as follows: The biodiversity in the area is constantly on the decline and the categories of forest, forest age and tree species were out of balance. The stumpage had reduced by 18.1% from 77.4 m3/ha to 63.4 m3/ha in this period. The ecological benefits declined and the commodity ratio of timber was low. The paper puts forward an optimized pattern of “Integration of Three Benefits with Priority to the Ecological Benefits” to carry out a rational structural adjustment. It is shown that the integration of benefits after the adoption of the optimized pattern will be increase 260 million RMB yuan or 28.1% than before. The ecosystem will be improved dramatically both in its healthiness and stability. A comprehensive analysis was made based on the relevant information from the results of the orientation study by the Dagangshan Forest Ecosystem Research Station obtained in the past 20 years The conclusion reached from the study are as follows: The biodiversity in the area is constantly on the decline and the categories of forest, forest age and tree species were out of balance. The stumpage had reduced by 18.1% from 77.4 m3 / ha to 63.4 m3 / ha in this period. The ecological benefits declined and the commodity ratio of timber was low. The paper puts forward an optimized pattern of “Integration of Three Benefits with Priority to the Ecological Benefits” to carry out a rational structural adjustment. It is shown that the integration of benefits after the adoption of the optimized pattern will be increased 260 million The yuan will be improved dramatically both in its healthiness and stability.
1.前言 不仅是汽车零件,就是在整个金属的机械加工中孔加工都占有很大的比例,特别是最近深孔加工正在增加。 所谓深孔,并没有特别的定义,一般指孔深为孔径3倍(3D)以上的孔,通
(1)研究人员叶山益次郎、工藤洋明 (2)实验设备自动旋压机两台、旋转减径强力旋压机1台(自制)、油压滚轧装置1台(自制,改成二辊或三辊横轧机)、平模板滚压机1台、大型轧机和
美国专利 1970年11月30日申请;1972年11月28日公布。专利号 3703921 申请号№93702 发明人 W·A·亨特。受让公司 Heatherwill公司。图1示出该发明所述的转台式铸型输送机20
1 特点和优越性1.1 化学除草彻底不伤苗,持效时间长,可达两月以上。1.2 节约用工,减轻劳动强度,不与农业争劳力。1.3 除草剂对人畜安全,不破坏环境,不危害下茬作物。2 使用
The paper described the natural conditions and forest types in Northwestern Region of China. Most forests in the region are distributed in subalpine areas. It