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北宋中期程颢送学生杨时(龟山)南归时所云“吾道南矣”之语,成为程朱理学发展史上的一个标志性事件,理学之“道南学派”即以此得名。但通过考辨包括《杨时行状》《墓志》在内的北、南宋之际的相关文献记载,可证“吾道南矣”一说,于杨时死时尚未为杨时之亲友所知,也未见有时人予以引录和评述,至朱熹编纂《二程外书》、《伊洛渊源录》时据《龟山语录》加以引录,方为人熟知,但直至南宋末程朱理学正统地位的确立,此说才被普遍接受,而评价日增。同时,本文通过文字内容比对,考证朱熹编纂《二程外书》时所引用之《龟山语录》,与今传世本《龟山先生语录》非同一版本,故而两者存在文字有无、详略之别。 The middle of the Northern Song dynasty Cheng Yong send students Yang (Kameyama) Nan Guigu “Cloud Road”, became a landmark event in the history of the development of Cheng Zhu, Neo-Confucianism So named. However, by examining the related records of the North and South Song dynasties including the “Epoch of Yang” and “Epitaph”, it can be said that “I Dao Nan Nai” said that when Yang was dead, Yang was still not a relative As far as I know, I do not see people sometimes quoting and commenting on them. It is well known that Zhu Xi edited and edited “Two-way External Books” and “Iloh source records” according to “Quetzalcoatl Quotations,” until the end of Southern Song Dynasty The establishment of the orthodox position was generally accepted and the evaluation increased. At the same time, through the textual comparison, the textual research on the quotations of “Guishan Quotations” quoted by Zhu Xi in the Compilation of “Two-way Excercises” is not the same as that of “Guishan Quotations” handed down from the present. Therefore, The other.
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