首任审计长于明涛 两袖清风度晚年

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他做过四个省市的省市委书记,身居高位却为人随和,在陕西工作时曾骑着自行车去了解民情,下工厂时与工人一起排队买饭、买菜,帮助雨中的菜农收拾菜摊,用小车推到避雨的地方。他白手起家,筹建国家审计署,边组建、边工作,抓大案,查违纪,一手奠基了我国的审计事业。退下来后,他搞特区、发展乡镇企业、长期担任中国延安精神研究会常务副会长,宣传、弘扬延安精神,直到90岁才离开这个岗位。今年国庆前夕,92岁的他受邀参加国庆60周年观礼,但他考虑体弱,不能给组织添麻烦,推辞了。他就是于明涛。在北京百万庄的家中,接受记者采访的于明涛面色红润,精神饱满,回忆“走南闯北”的岁月。从他的言语中,时时感受到一位一心为公的老共产党人的质朴。 He has done provincial and municipal party committee secretary in four provinces and cities, standing high but easy-going, working in Shaanxi Province had riding a bicycle to understand the feelings of the people, the next factory with the workers lined up to buy food, buy food, to help vegetable farmers in the rain pack up Stand, with the car pushed to avoid the rain. Starting from scratch, he set up the National Audit Office and set up the audit work of our country in one hand while setting up a large-scale case and investigating discipline and discipline while setting up a national audit office. After retreating, he engaged in the SAR, the development of township enterprises, long-term executive vice president of China Yan’an Spirit Research Association, publicity, promote Yan’an spirit, until 90 years old to leave this post. On the eve of National Day this year, he was invited to attend the 60th anniversary celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China at the age of 92, but he considered frailty and could not bother the organization. He is Yu Mingtao. At one million Beijing Zhuang’s home, Yu Mingtao, who was interviewed by reporters, looks rosy, full of energy and remembers the years when he went north. From his words, he always felt the simplicity of an old communist who was bent on serving the public.
利用视频采集卡对密立根油滴实验过程的视频进行动态图像捕捉,使用 Matlab对所得的图像进行处理,可以更清晰地观察和分析油滴的状态及下落过程.通过研究油滴运动过程的图像,实
本文介绍一种以计算机光电鼠标和霍尔元件作为传感器,利用采集卡和 LabVIEW构成为数据采集和处理工具,对扭摆的振幅,驱动盘与摆轮的相位差进行了连续的测量.该方法将物理学的
盛夏时节,人们普遍爱食粥,这是因为粥容易消化吸收,有补脾、和胃、清肺等功效。这里向大家介绍几种暑天常用的药粥。 Summer season, people generally love porridge, por