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Δ安徽省灵璧县档案局于1979年以来,积极开展编写资料工作。他们注意到:一是坚持历史唯物主义观点,维护历史的真实面貌;二是坚持以档案为主,资料为辅的原则,从素材的来源上,尽可能的保证编写资料的真实性、可靠性;三是力求重点突出、内容集中,注重单项资料的编写,一事一叙,开门见山;四是依靠党的领导,坚持群众路线,凡有不妥之处,再行核实、修改,保证编写质量。他们先后共编写了一百四十种资料。约三百五十万字。这些资料内容比较丰富、广泛。按其内容分,反映农林水电建设的资料三十六种;工交资料六种,文教卫生资料十五种;财贸资料七种;文物古迹资料四种;会议简介六种;组织沿革五种;档案专题资料八种;区、社行政概况二十九种,地方性史料十九种。按其时间分,反映 Δ Arch Bureau of Lingbi County, Anhui Province, has been actively carrying out data preparation since 1979. They noticed: First, they upheld the view of historical materialism and maintained the true appearance of history; second, they adhered to the principle of using archives as the main material and supplemented by materials, ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the materials as much as possible from the source of the material Thirdly, we must strive to emphasize and concentrate on content. We should pay attention to the compilation of individual materials and make a direct comparison of the facts with each other. The fourth is to rely on the leadership of the Party and adhere to the mass line. Where there are any discrepancies, verify and correct the quality of the compilation. They have compiled a total of 140 kinds of information. About 3.5 million words. The information content is rich and extensive. According to its content, reflecting the construction of agriculture, forestry and hydropower construction of 36 kinds of materials; six kinds of work and materials, cultural and educational health information fifteen; financial and trade information seven; four kinds of cultural relics and historical sites; six meeting profiles; organizational evolution five; file Eight kinds of thematic materials; District, community administration profile 29 kinds, 19 kinds of local historical materials. According to their time points, reflect
1985年6月至1997年7月,我院传染科共收治间日疟8例,现就其临床表现特点及治疗体会分析如下。1 临床资料 8例中男6例,女2例,年龄11~52岁,平均29岁。6例以发热待查、1例氯喹耐
对国内外捋穗收获发展、研究现状进行了综述,提出了捋穗收获在我国的研究、发展方向。 The harvest development and research status of scallops at home and abroad are r
应美日医学科学合作计划 (UJCMSP)组织的邀请 ,卫生部艾滋病控制和预防中心邵一鸣和全国性病麻风病控制中心张国成教授于 2 0 0 0年元月 7~ 9日参加了在印度马德拉斯召开的太平洋周