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近年来频繁的地震灾害造成了巨大的损失,同时使得对建筑抗震的研究日益广泛和深入。随着大量高层、高耸建筑物的涌现,传统的单纯依靠增加建筑物本身刚度的抗震方法已明显不适用,结构控制的方法便应运而生。 结构控制分为主动控制和被动控制。主动控制是根据地震时结构的反应,经过计算给结构施加相应的主动力使结构震动得到控制。由于主动控制中的“时滞”问题和具体实施时的复杂性,目前尚未能得到推广使用。被动控制主要分为三种:震动隔离、吸振减震和耗能减震。震动隔离是在结构物底部与基础之间设置隔离装置,通过减少输入的地震能来达到减震作用。震动隔离的研究及应用已 In recent years, frequent earthquake disasters have caused huge losses, and at the same time, the research on earthquake resistance of buildings has become increasingly widespread and in-depth. With the emergence of a large number of high-rise and high-rise buildings, the traditional method of simply relying on increasing the stiffness of the building itself has obviously not been applied, and the method of structural control has emerged. Structural control is divided into active control and passive control. The active control is based on the response of the structure during the earthquake. After calculating the corresponding main power applied to the structure, the structural vibration is controlled. Due to the “time lag” problem in active control and the complexity of its implementation, it has not yet been widely used. There are three main types of passive control: vibration isolation, shock absorption, and energy dissipation. Vibration isolation is to set up isolation devices between the bottom of the structure and the foundation to achieve shock absorption by reducing the input seismic energy. Vibration isolation research and application
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