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夜幕降临,窗外已是华灯初上,郧西县人民法院民事审判一庭庭长余吉学还像往常一样在办公室挑灯夜战,忙着查资料、阅案卷、作记录……加班加点地学习工作对余吉学来说已是司空见惯。正因为余吉学的勤奋务实,让他赢得了人们的广泛认可和充分肯定;正因为他的艰辛付出,让他在平凡的工作岗位上收获累累。几年来,他先后被十堰市委等机关授予“优秀政法干部”、首批“双学明星”、法院系统“十佳庭长”等荣誉称号,被郧西县评为“十佳优秀共产党 Night falls, the window is already in the early lights, Yunxi County People’s Court civil trial Yu Yixue also presided over the court, as usual, in the office lights the night war, busy checking information, reading files, for record ... work overtime to Yu Jixue It is commonplace. It is precisely because Yu Jixue’s diligence and pragmatism, so that he won the widespread recognition and full recognition of people; precisely because of his hard work, so that he was rewarded in ordinary jobs. Over the past few years, he has been honored as “Outstanding Political and Legal Cadres” by Shiyan Municipal Party Committee and other organs, the first batch of “Double Learning Stars” and the “Top Ten Presidium” of the court system. He was appraised as "Top Ten Outstanding Communist Parties
通过调查资料,分析滨州地区平原水库建设管理中较为典型的经验与不足,肯定了平原水库为解决平原贫水区所发挥的巨大作用。 Through the survey data, this paper analyzes the
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“昨天,我还采访过他:今天,他却已经死了”。 2004年4月9日,三联生活周刊的一个记者在网上说。没错,我们说的是一个人,是爱立信中国总裁杨迈(Jan Malm)。4月8日,在上海出席
Triangular-pyramidal ω-Bi_2O_3 is successfully synthesized via a one-step wet-chemical method.XRD,SEM,and UV-vis have been employed to characterize the as-prep