用于丙烷脱氢反应的商业化催化剂 Pt-Sn/Al_2O_3催化异丁烷脱氢反应:反应条件优化(英文)

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoxiuli
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The applicability of a commercial Pt-Sn/Al2O3 isobutane dehydrogenation catalyst in dehydrogenation of propane was studied.Catalyst performance tests were carried out in a fixed-bed quartz reactor under different operating conditions.Generally,as the factors improving propane conversion decrease the propylene selectivity,the optimal operating condition to maximize propylene yield is expected.The optimal condition was obtained by the experimental design method.The investigated parameters were temperature,hydrogen/hydrocarbon(H2/HC) ratio and space velocity,being changed in three levels.Constrains such as the susceptibility of the catalyst components to sintering or phase transformation were also taken into account.Activity,selectivity and stability of the catalyst were considered as the measured response factors,while the space-time-yield(STY) was considered as the variable to be optimized due to its commercial interest.A STY of 16 mol·kg-1·h-1 was achieved under the optimal conditions of T620 °C,H2/HC 0.6 and,weight hourly space velocity(WHSV) 2.2 h-1.Single carbon-carbon bond rupture was found to be the main route for the formation of lower hydrocarbon byproducts. The applicability of a commercial Pt-Sn / Al2O3 isobutane dehydrogenation catalyst in dehydrogenation of propane was studied. Catalyst performance tests were carried out in a fixed-bed quartz reactor under different operating conditions. Generalized, as the concentration improving propane conversion decrease the propylene selectivity , the optimal operating condition to maximize propylene yield is expected. The optimal condition was obtained by the experimental design method. The research parameters were temperature, hydrogen / hydrocarbon (H2 / HC) ratio and space velocity, being changed in three levels. Constrains such as the susceptibility of the catalyst components to sintering or phase transformation were also taken into account. Activity, selectivity and stability of the catalyst were considered as the measured response factors, while the space-time-yield (STY) was considered as the variable to be optimized due to its commercial interest. A STY of 16 mol · kg-1 · h-1 was achieved under the optimal condition s of T620 ° C, H2 / HC 0.6 and, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) 2.2 h-1.Single carbon-carbon bond rupture was found to be the main route for the formation of lower hydrocarbons byproducts.
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抗利尿激素(ADH)分泌失常综合征(Secretionof Inappropriate ADH Syndrome),简称ISADH综合征,是以低血钠症为主要临床表现的一种疾病。临床上较为少见。笔者在临床中曾遇1例
病员男,11岁。因头皮裂伤来院治疗。过去无过敏反应史.清创、缝合及破伤风抗毒素(TAT)敏试阴性后,肌内注射 TAT1500U。半小时后,病员出现左眼睑发痒,局部水肿,水肿范围从0.5