A Method for the Determination of Turbulence Intensity by Means of a Fast Response Pressure Probe an

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taizi0204
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This paper describes the measurements and the post-processing procedure adopted for the determination of the turbulence intensity in a low pressure turbine (LPT) by means of a single sensor fast response aerodynamic pressure probe. The rig was designed in cooperation with MTU Aero Engines and considerable efforts were put into the adjustment of all relevant model parameters. Blade count ratio, airfoil aspect ratio, reduced massflow, reduced speed, inlet turbulence intensity and Reynolds numbers were chosen to reproduce the full scale LP turbine. Measurements were performed adopting a phase-locked acquisition technique in order to provide the time resolved flow field downstream of the turbine rotor. The total pressure random fluctuations are obtained by selectively filtering, in the frequency domain, the deterministic unsteadiness due to the rotor blades and coherent structures. The turbulence intensity is derived from the inverse Fourier transform and the correlations between total pressure and velocity fluctuations. The determination of the turbulence intensity allows the discussion of the interaction processes between the stator and rotor for engine-representative operating conditions of the turbine. This paper describes the measurements and the post-processing procedure adopted for the determination of the turbulence intensity in a low pressure turbine (LPT) by means of a single sensor fast response aerodynamic pressure probe. The rig was designed in cooperation with MTU Aero Engines and margins ratio, airfoil aspect ratio, reduced massflow, reduced speed, inlet turbulence intensity and Reynolds numbers were chosen to reproduce the full scale LP turbine. Measurements were performed adopting a phase- locked acquisition technique in order to provide the time resolved flow field downstream of the turbine rotor. The total pressure random fluctuations are obtained by selectively filtering, in the frequency domain, the deterministic unsteadiness due to the rotor blades and coherent structures. derived from the inverse Fourier transform and the correlations between total pre ssure and velocity fluctuations. The determination of the turbulence intensity allows the discussion of the interaction processes between the stator and rotor for engine-representative operating conditions of the turbine.
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