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在生产实践过程中,任何一台运转着的机器多少总会有振动现象存在。对一般机械,振动常常使它的效率降低,零件磨损、疲劳,以致影响产品质量,缩短使用寿命。并且,振动所发出的噪音还会恶化劳动环境,大的振动甚至会导致机毁人亡的严重事故。因此,研究如何消除或减小机器的各种振动,目前已成为机械工业的重要课题。其中,转子的不平衡是引起旋转部件产生振动最常见的原因。一、转子产生不平衡的原因当处于不平衡状态的转子旋转时,转子本身的振动,会在它两端的支承上产生动反力,使轴承座振动。这种现象的产生,轻者发生噪音,影响工作;重者使轴承毁坏,造成事故。为了减少和消除这种不平衡所引起的振动现象,使不平衡力或振动限定在某一规定范 In the process of production practice, any one of the running machine will always have the phenomenon of vibration exists. On the general machinery, vibration often make it less efficient, wear parts, fatigue, so as to affect product quality and shorten the service life. Moreover, the noise emitted by the vibration can also worsen the working environment, and large vibrations can even lead to serious accidents of plane crash. Therefore, studying how to eliminate or reduce various vibration of the machine has now become an important issue in the machinery industry. Among them, the rotor imbalance is the most common cause of vibration caused by rotating parts. First, the rotor causes imbalance When the rotor is in an unbalanced state of rotation, the rotor itself, the vibration, it will have a dynamic reaction at both ends of the bearing, the bearing vibration. The occurrence of this phenomenon, the light noise occurs, affecting the work; severe damage to the bearings, causing accidents. In order to reduce and eliminate this imbalance caused by the phenomenon of vibration, unbalance force or vibration limited to a certain standard
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本刊讯近日,《中国计量》编辑部网站《计量资讯速递》邮件资讯专题第10期已发布。《计量资讯速递》通过精选当月重要计量资讯,以专题形式通过邮 Recently, the “China Metr