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一、审题——引趣激情题目是文章的主旨所在,审清题目既可揭示文章的写作目的,又能引发学生创作欲望和兴趣,激发学生写作的情感。我曾以《工作认真的妈妈》为题,让学生审题。学生通过审题知道这是一篇写人的文章,“工作认真”是所写文章的中心思想,也是写作的目的。这时,我紧扣中心问学生:“你能举出妈妈工作认真的事例吗?”学生沉思后回答:“我妈妈生病了,还去车辆厂上班,结果昏倒在机床上。”又有学生说:“我的妈妈是个工程师,工作起来不分白天黑夜,星期天从没有带我去街心公园玩玩。”还有的学生说:“妈妈是个聋哑人,办事处的叔叔照顾她,给她一份清扫路面的工作。妈妈每天天没亮就起床,把路面扫得干干净净。”……学生通过审题,引发了说的动机和兴趣,又把握了中心。接着,我让他们自拟类似的题目写一个人。由于题目是孩子从自己的生活中提炼出来的,中心又明确。因此,学生作文时饶有兴趣,写出来的文章字里行间渗透着浓浓的敬佩与赞美之情。二、设境——引趣激情 First, the problem-examination - the interest of passion The topic is the subject of the article, the examination of the subject can reveal the purpose of the article writing, but also trigger students desire and interest in writing to stimulate students' writing emotion. I have to “serious working mother” as a topic for students to examine questions. Students know that this is an article written by examining the subject, “serious work” is the central idea of ​​the article written, but also the purpose of writing. At this moment, I close the center to ask the students: “Can you cite mum's serious work?” The student replied after meditating: “My mum got sick, went to work in the vehicle factory and fainted on the machine tool.” There were students Said: “My mum is an engineer working day and night, and never took me to the heart of the park on Sunday to play.” Some students said: “Mom is a deaf mum, the office uncle take care of her, give her A job of cleaning the pavement, mother gets up every day when she is awake, sweeps the pavement clean. ”... Students through the trial, led to said motivation and interest, and grasp the center. Next, I asked them to write a person on a similar topic. Since the subject is that children are drawn from their own lives, the center is clear. Therefore, students are interested in composition, writing articles between the lines permeated with a deep feeling of admiration and praise. Second, set the environment - Attract passion
有这样一类题:甲数的( )/( )和乙数的( )/( )相等,判断甲数与乙数的大小。例:甲数的4/5与乙数的2/3相等,甲数大于乙。要求学生作出判断。在教学过程中,我总结了以下几种方法
食管裂孔疝(Hiatus Hernia 简称 HH)是消化道常见疾病之一。以往仅依靠 X 线检查确诊。纤维内镜的应用,为 HH 的诊断提供了新方法。本文报告我们从1982年2月至1983年7月经纤
近见报载,一些有严重火灾隐患的场所被强令停业整改,令人欣慰。 纵观时下发生的一些重特大火灾中,有的隐患早就发现,有关部门也曾下发了《重大火灾隐患限期整改通知书》,但
球后溃疡少见,约为所有十二指肠溃疡的5%。据尸检资料分析,则占5~17%。本文占同期检出十二指肠溃疡(151例)的9.2%。我院近二年来用国产 XS-Ⅲ型前侧式胃镜诊断14例分析如下:
<正> 无产阶级夺取政权以后,作为工人阶级先锋队的共产党必须坚持对社会主义国家政权的领导,这是人类社会历史发展的必然,是不以人们意志为转移的客观规律。其重要性和必要性可以从以下三方面进行认识: (一) 从社会主义国家性质来看,必须坚持党对国家政权的领导。马克思主义认为,国家是阶级统治的工具,是“一个阶级镇压另一个阶级的机器”(恩格斯:《法兰西内战导言》,《马克思恩格斯选集》第2卷,第336页)。资本主义国家是资产阶级统治无产阶级和劳动人民的工具。而我们社会主义国家是无产阶级专政的国家,是无产
1.用右面的方格纸剪形状的小图形,最多可以剪多少个?(练习九) [分析与解答]解题时若瞎碰硬凑不易得出正确的答案。只要将两个小图形如图互相咬合拼成一个有6个方格的长方形,