,Preoperative prognostic values of α-fetoprotein (AFP) and protein induced by vitamin K absence or a

来源 :肝胆外科与营养 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloveroyxx
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Background: Adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is one of the best treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, when recurrence of HCC after LDLT occurs, the prognosis is poor because of rapid progression. Preoperative level of α-fetoprotein (AFP) and protein induced by vitamin K antagonist-II (PIVKA-II) reportedly correlate with recurrence of HCC after LDLT. Methods: We examined AFP and PIVKA-II preoperatively as predictors of HCC recurrence in 461 patients who underwent LDLT using right liver graft for HCC from May 2007 to December 2013. Results: Among these, 77 patients (16.7%) who experienced recurrence were retrospectively reviewed. Multivariate analysis revealed tumor size >5 cm, AFP >150 nag/mol and PIVKA-II >100 maul/mol as significant independent risk factors for recurrence. The median time to recurrence was 10 months. The median survival time after recurrence was 26 months, and the 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates after recurrence were 80.5%, 58%, and 28.3% respectively. Conclusions: Preoperatively, not only morphology of the tumor but also AFP and PIVKA-II levels can offers important information for the recurrence after LDLT for HCC. Thus, combination of tumor markers might be used for expansion of pre-existing strict selection criteria of liver transplantation for HCC.
活动目标:  1以观察、想象、表演等多种方式理解故事的内容,学说“我要是能像XXX就好了”的句式。  2通过变色龙的心理变化,感知每种生物都有适合自己的不同优点。  3享受
活动目标:  1.猜猜听听,看看讲讲,了解有个性的羊--赫尔伯特的特别之处。  2.体会赫尔伯特特别之处带来的喜悦和烦恼,感受绘本蕴含的美好情感。
老年人由于颈椎、腰椎及腰肌本已有不同程度的退变或萎缩,协调、代偿功能差,经不起长时间看电视时屈颈、弓背、弯腰等不良体位的折磨, The elderly due to cervical, lumbar
活动目标:  1.感知散文中描述太阳的神奇和美丽,知道万物生长都离不开太阳。  2.熟悉散文中的排比句式,理解太阳--物体--颜色之间的句式关系。  3.尝试用“替换法”仿编散
一、越位,即父母对自己不该负的责任进行越界干涉  诸如孩子不吃饭时,我们总是追着喂;孩子不写作业时,我们总是在一旁陪着写;孩子间发生点小纠纷,我们就急着出面找对方去算账等等
设计意图:  每个读本都有它独特的魅力,抓住读本核心,促进儿童发展是我们希望达到的理想境界。《礼物》展现的是小猴送礼物的故事,当我拿到“礼物”这个读本时,图书中小猴精心设