
来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baby_say
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针对当前热分析方法无法满足直升机主减速器结构复杂多变的问题,提出了一种快速获取主减速器温度场分布的通用热分析方法。以典型直升机主减速器为样本,进行了主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA),并结合热网络法(thermal network,TN),分析获得3种通用热分析单元体模型。对于不同结构的主减速器,通过单元体及其衍生体的组合可以迅速且有效地建立其系统热分析模型,求解获得温度场分布。以某直升机主减速器为例,应用该方法进行了热分析,并与试验进行了对比,结果表明:该方法能高效计算主减速器的温度场分布,计算值与试验值最大误差为5.07%,满足主减速器热分析工程计算需求。 In view of the current thermal analysis method can not meet the complex and changeable structure of the helicopter main reducer, a general thermal analysis method for quickly obtaining the temperature field distribution of the final reducer is proposed. Taking a typical helicopter final reducer as a sample, principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out. Combined with thermal network (TN), three general models of thermal analysis unit body were obtained. For the main reducer with different structures, the system thermal analysis model can be established quickly and effectively by the combination of unit body and its derivative, and the temperature field distribution can be solved. Taking a helicopter main reducer as an example, this method is used for thermal analysis and compared with the experimental results. The results show that this method can efficiently calculate the temperature field distribution of the final reducer, the maximum error of the calculated value and the experimental value is 5.07% , To meet the main reducer thermal analysis engineering calculation needs.
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