沿海经济发达地区由于经济的快速发展和社会的巨大进步 ,对当地驻军的思想政治教育产生的积极影响是主要的。但同时要适应新的形势 ,思想政治教育必须把抵制“酒绿灯红”侵蚀作为永恒课题 ,把为“打得赢”提供强大的精神动力作为紧迫课题 ,要结合部队实际不断加强和改进思想政治教育
Due to the rapid economic development and the enormous social progress in developed coastal areas, the positive impact on the ideological and political education of local garrisons is the major one. However, at the same time, to adapt to the new situation, ideological and political education must take as its eternal task the boycott of the “red light” erosion and provide a strong spiritual driver for “winning the war,” and continue to strengthen and improve ideological and political work in the light of the actual situation of the armed forces. education