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湖北省政府近日推出五项措施,加大收购资金管理力度。一、坚持农副产品收购不打“白条”的目标不动摇。要求各级党委、政府切实加强领导,把农副产品收购工作纳入重要议事日程,作为当前经济工作的大事来抓。各级党政主要领导要亲自抓,分管领导要具体抓,各地和各有关部门要成立农副产品收购资金协调领导小组和工作专班,扎扎实实地抓好本地区、本部门的收购资金筹措供应工作,确保收购工作的顺利进行,努力做到收购不打“白条”。二、坚持收购资金筹措分级分部门负责制。今年的收购工作,是彻底理顺收购资金供应体制的关键一年,也是贯彻新“约法三章”的第一年,收购资金筹措供应必须继续实行、完善和加强政府领导下的分级分部门责任制,筹资任务实行“双线下达,双线考核”的办法,按月检查进度。除自筹任务外,原则上粮棉油收购资金由农发行负责,蚕茧收购资金由中行负责。收购企业、财政、银行要在各级党委、政府的领导下各负其责,保证本部门应筹措的收购资金及时足额到位,并切实防止挤占挪用。三、加强收购资金管理,堵塞收购资金流失的漏洞。各 Hubei Provincial Government recently launched five measures to increase the acquisition of funds management. First, adhere to the acquisition of agricultural and sideline products do not fight “white ” goal unshaken. They demanded that party committees and governments at all levels conscientiously strengthen their leadership and incorporate the acquisition of agricultural and sideline products in the important agenda as the major event in their current economic work. The principal leaders of party and government at all levels should personally grasp the leadership in charge of specific grasping, all localities and relevant departments should set up coordination fund for agricultural and sideline leading groups and special classes, do a solid job in the region, the department’s acquisition financing Work to ensure the smooth progress of the acquisition, and strive to achieve the acquisition does not fight “white ”. Second, insist on the acquisition fund-raising sub-departmental responsibility system. This year’s acquisition is the crucial year for thoroughly rationalizing the system of purchasing capital and the first year of implementing the new chapter III of the Covenant. The procurement of funds for financing the acquisition must continue to be implemented, and the graded and sub-sectorial responsibilities under the leadership of the government should be improved and strengthened System, fund-raising tasks to implement “two-line issued, two-line assessment ” approach, monthly progress check. In addition to self-financing tasks, in principle, the acquisition of grain and cotton oil by the Agricultural Development Bank is responsible for the acquisition of silkworm cocoon by the Bank of China. The acquisition of enterprises, finance and banking departments shall take their respective responsibilities under the leadership of party committees and governments at all levels and ensure that the acquisition funds to be financed by the department are put in place in full and in time and the diversion of crowds is effectively prevented. Third, to strengthen the acquisition of funds management, plug the loopholes in the acquisition of funds. each
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