Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by cytology and telomerase activity in exfoliated cells obtained by p

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijianwu2003
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BACKGROUND:Telomerase activity is reported to be specific and frequent in human pancreatic cancer.We conducted this study to assess the usefulness of monitoring telomerase activity in exfoliated cells obtained by pancreatic duct brushing during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP)for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. METHODS:Exfoliated cells obtained by pancreatic duct brushing during ERCP from 21 patients(18 with pancreatic cancer,3 with chronic pancreatitis) were examined.Telomerase activity was detected by polymerase chain reaction and telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay(PCR-TRAP-ELISA). RESULTS:D450 values of telomerase activity were 0.446± 0.2700 in pancreatic cancer and 0.041±0.0111 in chronic pancreatitis.77.8%(14/18)of patients with pancreatic cancer had cells with telomerase activity.None of the samples from patients with chronic pancreatitis showed telomerase activity,when the cutoff value of telomerase activity was set at 2.0.Cytological examination showed cancer cells in 66.7%(12/18)of the patients. CONCLUSIONS:Telomerase activity may be an early malignant event in pancreatic cancer development Cytology and telomerase activity in cells obtained bypancreatic duct brushing may complement each other for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. BACKGROUND: Telomerase activity is reported to be specific and frequent in human pancreatic cancer. We conducted this study to assess the usefulness of of monitoring telomerase activity in exfoliated cells obtained by pancreatic duct brushing during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. METHODS: Exfoliated cells obtained by pancreatic duct brushing during ERCP from 21 patients (18 with pancreatic cancer, 3 with chronic pancreatitis) were detected. Polymerase chain activity and telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay (PCR-TRAP-ELISA). RESULTS: D450 values ​​of telomerase activity were 0.446 ± 0.2700 in pancreatic cancer and 0.041 ± 0.0111 in chronic pancreatitis.77.8% (14/18) of patients with pancreatic cancer had cells with telomerase activity. None of the samples from patients with chronic pancreatitis showed telomerase activity, when the cutoff value of telomerase activity was set at 2.0. Cytological examina CONCLUSIONS: Telomerase activity may be an early malignant event in pancreatic cancer development Cytology and telomerase activity in cells obtained by pancreatic duct brushing may complement each other for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer .
超浓缩无磷抗菌消毒洗衣液 随着国家环保执法力度加强,我国部分城市已陆续对洗涤用品限磷或禁磷,生产和使用无磷洗涤剂已是大势所趋(西方国家早已部分或全面禁磷)。我单位研
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一个年轻人学习养蜂,第一年即大获丰收。  第二年他引进了个体大、产蜜量高的意大利蜂,希望能增加产量和收入。但自从引进意大利蜂后,土蜂出现了大量死亡。  原来,意大利蜂好吃懒做,喜欢不劳而获,总想通过占领别人的巢穴获取果实。它们来硬的当然会受到土蜂的顽强抵抗,于是,它们来到土蜂的巢穴门口,先降低姿态,振动翅膀,伪装成和土蜂几乎相同的振动频率。土蜂看到意大利蜂如此友好,便热情地让它们进入巢穴,还把好吃
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