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对仗可以分为正对、反对、串对三种基本形态,通常把对联的这三种形态称之为对仗的形式。其实,形态也好,形式也罢,都是由对联创作者的主观思路决定的,本篇就来讨论这三种创作思路。一、正对(从不同的侧面表现相近的意思)所谓正对,也叫同类对、并列式,就是上下联的内容基本相同或相近,二者和谐地处在统一的意境中,它们互为关联,互为补充,表现的是同一个主题立意。掌握运用正对需要注意以下一些问题:1.正对可以表现为视角不同。如果一副对联要叙议同一地点从两个不同角度观察到的景 Antitheses can be divided into three basic forms: positive, negative, and negative. Usually, the three forms of the couplets are called the form of a counter-war. In fact, the form is good, the form worth mentioning, are determined by the subjective thinking of the couplets creators, this chapter to discuss these three creative ideas. First, the right (from different sides of the similar performance) The so-called right, also known as the same type, side by side, is the content of the same basic or similar, the two harmoniously in a unified mood, they are each other Associated, complement each other, the performance of the same theme conception. Mastery of the application of the need to pay attention to the following questions: 1. Right can be expressed as a different perspective. If a pair of UFs are to be referred to the same location from two different perspectives of the scene
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一  女人的店开在一排普通的居民区,三间红砖青瓦屋,简朴陈旧,唯一显眼的是大门边上的一行白底红字:乡村百货超市。  有暖暖的阳光透过窗玻璃撒向店里,一位女孩正坐在玻璃柜台后面,一脸的明媚,正与顾客在谈笑中做买卖。  一声短促的刹车声,一辆小型货车停在了店前,一位风尘仆仆的女人从驾驶室跳了下来,然后来到车尾,放下车后挡板,搬起一件货品走向店里。  后院,一位稍大一点的女孩走了出来,两只湿淋淋的手往身
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