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本文是《阁楼人语——<读书>的知识分子记忆》(作家出版社2003年11月出版)一书的序。书的作者是多年主编《读书》杂志的沈昌文先生。书的内容是当年《读书》杂志每期必有的编后交代,先叫《编后絮语》,后叫《阁楼人语》。沈昌文先生总结他的编辑经验有“无能,无为,无我”之说。王蒙先生这篇文章的题目《有无之间》,与沈昌文先生的“三无”之说显然有关。我们很喜欢王蒙先生的这篇文章。这不仅因为王蒙先生是声望很高的作家,不仅因为这篇文章阐述的是编辑之道,而且讲得很深刻,还因为这篇文章的视野、角度、思路、用语,都跟我们出版界同人的习惯不大一样。因此,这篇文章会吸引我们的读者,并且有利于激活出版界同人的进一步思考和研究。我们感谢王蒙先生答应本刊转载这篇文章。今年2月2日,应我们之请,王蒙先生为此专门写了一段话,在此一并献给读者: 老沈编《读书》时,动辄给刊物写个后记,叫做“阁楼人语”。阁楼云云,有点自动靠边的谦虚,有点减轻责任的躲闪,也有点说几句话而已的酸溜溜的潇洒。满招损,谦受益。(《尚书·大禹谟》)谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。(毛泽东)小河最喧闹。(高尔斯华绥)一切决定于时间、地点、条件(斯大林);他这样编刊物容易编好,也容易处好各种关系,显得比较成熟,有利于一要生存,二? This article is the preface to “Loft Human Languages ​​- The Memory of Intellectuals” (Writer Press, November 2003). The author of the book is Mr. Shen Changwen, editor of the Book Magazine for many years. The content of the book is that year “reading” magazine must compile each phase, first called “after editing”, later called “attic language.” Mr. Shen Changwen summed up his editorial experience of “incompetence, inaction, and lack of self”. Mr. Wang Meng’s article “Whether or not” is clearly related to Mr. Shen Changwen’s remark on “three noes.” We like this article of Mr. Wang Meng very much. This is not only because Mr. Wang Meng is a highly-regarded writer, not only because he is editorially addressed in this essay, but also because he is very much in the field of vision, perspective, ideas and terminology of this essay. The habit is not the same. Therefore, this essay will appeal to our readers and help stimulate further thinking and research by colleagues in the publishing world. We thank Mr. Wang Meng promised to reprint this article. February 2 this year, at our request, Mr. Wang Meng specifically wrote a passage for this purpose, in this together to the readers: Lao Shen series “reading”, frequently write a postscript to the publication, called “attic language” . Attic clouds, a bit self-off the humble, a bit to reduce the responsibility to dodge, but also a few words that a bit sour and carefree. Full of damage, Qian benefit. (“Book of Grand Yu Mo”) Modesty makes progress, pride makes people behind. (Mao Zedong) the most noisy river. (Galsworthy) Everything is decided by time, place, and condition (Stalin); his editorials are easy to compose and easy to handle, and seem to be more mature and conducive to survival.
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