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约在上个世纪之交,化学工业发达的德国出版了世界第一部化工专业大型百科全书——《乌尔曼工业化学百科全书》。在此新的世纪之交,《化工百科全书》编委会、我国化学工业出版社推出世界第三部大型化工百科全书,也是第一部以汉语编写的百科全书。《化工百科全书》(以下简称《全书》)分20卷(含索引专卷),共收词858条,4845万字,堪称化工领域的鸿篇巨著。 这部《全书》给人强烈的印象是学术性强、覆盖面宽、产业气息浓、实用性高。 《全书》以化学化工学科为纽带,把利用化学方法进行生产的所有产业部门联贯起来,除化学工业本身之外,涵盖石油炼制、治金、建材、纺织材料、医药、日用化工、食品、粮油加工等产业部门,以及与化工技术有密切关系的生物工程、微电子工程、新型材料、能源工程和环境保护等重要技术领域。凡是与“化工”有关的问题,都可以从《全书》寻求答案,取得解决问题的第一步帮助。 At about the turn of the century, Germany, a well-developed chemical industry, has published the first encyclopedia of chemical engineering in the world, the Uhlmann Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. At the turn of this new century, the Encyclopedia of Chemical Encyclopedia, China’s Chemical Industry Press, launched the world’s third largest encyclopedia of chemicals and the first encyclopedia written in Chinese. Encyclopedia of Chemical Industry (hereinafter referred to as “the book”) is divided into 20 volumes (including index volume), received a total of 858 words, 4845 words, called a masterpiece in the field of chemical industry. This “book” gives a strong impression that it is highly academic, wide in coverage, rich in industrial atmosphere and highly practical. “The book” to chemical chemistry as a link, the use of chemical methods for the production of all industrial sectors together, in addition to the chemical industry itself, covering petroleum refining, metallurgy, building materials, textile materials, pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, food , Grain and oil processing and other industrial sectors, as well as with the chemical technology are closely related to bio-engineering, micro-electronics engineering, new materials, energy engineering and environmental protection and other important technical fields. All the questions related to “chemical industry” can be from the “book” to find the answer to obtain the first step to help solve the problem.
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