中小企业信息化是全球性话题,APEC 设专题对中小企业信息化进行研究, 以期提出亚太地区中小企业信息化发展方向,共同推进中小企业的健康发展。中小企业信息化的历史机遇信息网络技术带动的新技术革命,加速了经济全球化进程的步伐,人类由此进入了知识经济和信息化时代。面对知识经济大潮的冲击,世界各国企业都加速了信息化的进程,以适应瞬息万变的市场需
The informatization of SMEs is a global topic. APEC has set a special topic to study the informatization of SMEs with a view to proposing the development direction of SMEs in Asia Pacific and jointly promoting the healthy development of SMEs. Historical Opportunities for Informationization of SMEs The new technological revolution led by information network technology has accelerated the pace of economic globalization and mankind has entered an era of knowledge economy and informationization. In the face of the impact of the tide of knowledge-based economy, enterprises in various countries in the world have accelerated the process of informationization to adapt to the ever-changing market demand