李长江:相信中国 相信中国制造 相信中国产品

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您知道吗,目前,全世界每四双袜子,至少有一双是中国生产的。全世界七成的玩具是中国制造的。还有牙刷,全世界70%的牙刷来自中国。中国家电也在世界各地受到欢迎,比如说微波炉,几乎全世界绝大部分微波炉都是中国生产的。但是最近,中国制造的质量和安全问题成为国内外关注的焦点,尤其是一些境外媒体,有的抓住几个个案反复炒作,妖魔化“中国制造”。“中国制造”一时间广受质疑。谁是谁非?真相需要还原。本刊整理了国家质检总局局长李长江在国务院新闻办新闻发布会、中央电视台采访等公开场合的发言,以飨读者。 Did you know that at least one pair of four socks in the world is made in China? 70% of the world’s toys are made in China. There are toothbrushes, 70% of toothbrushes in the world come from China. Chinese appliances are also popular all over the world, such as microwave ovens, and almost all of the world’s microwave ovens are made in China. Recently, however, the quality and safety issues made in China have become the focus of attention both at home and abroad. In particular, some overseas media have taken the initiative to seize several cases repeatedly and demonize their “Made in China”. “Made in China ” was widely questioned for a time. Who is the truth? The truth needs to be restored. The magazine collated the AQSIQ Li Changjiang in the State Council Information Office press conference, CCTV interview and other public occasions, speak in order to readers.
野草本是寻常物,制成草编艺术品就身价百倍。福建仙游的农民就利用这个寻常物编制出来的草编玩具等艺术品在美国、日本、欧洲等国供不应求。 Wild herbs are unusual things
The matching calculation of the beam emittance is very important in the central region design of a cyclotron. The reason is that the emittance matching will aff
《世界中西医结合杂志》(CN 11-5511/R,ISSN 1673-6613)是经国家新闻出版总署批准创刊,由中国科学技术协会主管,中华中医药学会主办的国家级期刊。本刊为中国科技核心期刊,精
The bubble effect is very important to evaluate nuclear critical accident in nuclear solution system. We have carried out calculation research for the bubble ef
If the mirror symmetry of poles in cyclotron is violated, the radial component of the field would appear in the median plane. The radial field can induce the sh
Cusp source is one of the essential elements in the high density cyclotron, whose properties have a great impact on the extracted beam of the cyclotron. The art
Based on the theory of cascade extraction, a computer program has been established in order to simulate the steady state approach model of co-decontamination pr