朝阳路位于保定市新市区,是贯穿南北的一条主要交通干道,全长3500米。其中百花路至纸厂路段已改造拓宽为三块板路型,长2000米、路幅宽38米、道路红线56米,具有分车绿带、行道树和两侧绿地,是一条景观丰富、风景秀丽的园林式道路。 此路经88、90、92年三次改造,分车绿带、便道及绿地宽度各不相同。绿化布局以突出整体效果为指导思想。以桧柏、国槐、核桃为分车绿带和行道树的骨干树种,以取得连续性;以雪松、云杉及花灌木分别突出各段的不同特色;以不同形式的绿地、游园、景点作为居住小区各楼间的区别标志,形成景观
Chaoyang Road, located in the new urban area of Baoding, is a major thoroughfare running north and south, with a total length of 3,500 meters. One hundred flowers Road to the paper mill section has been transformed into three board road type, 2000 meters long, the road width of 38 meters, the road red line 56 meters, with car green belt, trees and green road on both sides, is a landscape rich, landscape Beautiful garden-style road. This road 88, 90, 92 three times transformation, car green beltway, pavement and green width varies. Green layout to highlight the overall effect as the guiding ideology. Taking juniper, Sophora japonica and walnut as the backbone trees of green belts and roadside trees to obtain continuity, cedar, spruce and flowering shrubs are used to highlight the different characteristics of each section. Taking different forms of green space, garden and scenic spots as Residents living quarters between the different signs, the formation of landscape