
来源 :神经解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panzhengdang
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目的:研究经脉络膜裂颞部到环池的解剖特点,为经脉络膜裂入路治疗环池区域病变提供解剖学依据。方法:经10%甲醛固定的完整成人湿性尸头标本10例(20侧),观察脉络膜裂颞部的神经血管结构,显微镜下模拟经脉络膜裂颞部到环池手术入路。结果:脉络膜裂颞部是位于侧脑室颞角内侧壁的一条自然裂隙,从丘脑枕下方的房部向前延伸进入颞叶,脉络膜前动脉自环池经下脉络膜点进入侧脑室颞角,是辨认脉络膜裂颞部顶点的标志;经脉络膜裂颞部可从环池的外上方显露环池内的结构,对环池内的大脑后动脉P2段、基底静脉、颞叶内侧海马、中脑等结构有良好的显露,而对于位置较低的滑车神经、小脑上动脉等结构显露欠佳。结论:脉络膜裂颞部及环池周围神经血管结构复杂,熟悉其解剖特点十分重要,经脉络膜裂入路为治疗环池及颞叶内侧病变提供了一条良好的路径。 Objective: To study the anatomical characteristics of the choroidal-temporal fissure into the annular pool and to provide anatomic evidence for the treatment of lesions in the annular zone through the choroidal fissure approach. Methods: Ten adult (20 sides) adult corpse specimens were fixed with 10% formalin. The structures of neurovascular structures in choroid and temporal lobe were observed. The surgical approach was performed under the microscope. Results: The choroid fissure temporalis is a natural fissure located in the medial wall of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle. The anterior choroidal anterior artery extends into the temporal lobe of the lateral ventricle Identify the choroidal temporal signs of the apex; the choroidal fissure can be seen from the outside of the annular pool around the Central Plains pool structure, within the Central pool of posterior cerebral artery P2, basal vein, temporal lobe of the hippocampus, midbrain and other structures Good disclosure, while the lower position of the trochlear nerve, superior cerebellar artery and other structures show poor. Conclusion: The structures of neurovascular structures around the choroidal fissure and perihepatic cistern are complex and it is very important to be familiar with their anatomical features. The choroidal fissure approach provides a good route for the treatment of the circumflex and medial temporal lobe lesions.
在中学物理热学部分的教学中,我们接触到一个基本概念:绝对零度,教科书一般都把绝对零度定义为:将一273.15℃作为热力学温标的零度,在教学中一些教师和学生常将其看作自然界实际存在的最低温度,其实,绝对零度并不是自然界中实际存在的最低温度。  我们知道,根据热力学知识温度是系统内部大量分子作无规则热运动的激烈程度的标志,它是大量分子的平均平动动能的量度,所谓的绝对零度是在热力学中根据理想气体所遵循的