原科技部部长朱丽兰指出 只有“走出去”才能天高地阔

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原科技部部长朱丽兰说,“十五”期间国际科技合作要以促进我国科技自主创新能力的提高为目标,积极支持企业在技术发展的前沿参与国际科技合作与交流,推动企业的技术创新活动向国际惯例靠拢;国际科技合作要与科技兴贸紧密结合,加强和完善部门、地方及企业的国际科技合作体系,为地方经济发展和科技进步服务;支持中国科学家参与各种形式的国际科技合作,既鼓励外国研发机构在我国建立合作研究机构或独办研发机构,也选择对我国科技和经济产生重大影响的领域,在 Former Minister of Science and Technology Zhu Lilan said that during the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan, the international cooperation in science and technology should aim at promoting the improvement of China’s capability of independent innovation in science and technology. We should actively support the participation of enterprises in international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges at the forefront of technological development and promote the technological innovation activities of enterprises International scientific and technological cooperation should be closely integrated with the promotion of trade through science and technology, strengthen and improve the international cooperation system in science and technology between departments, localities and enterprises, and serve the development of local economy and science and technology; support Chinese scientists in participating in various forms of international scientific and technological cooperation, It not only encourages foreign research and development institutions to set up cooperative research institutions or independent research and development institutions in China, but also selects fields that have a significant impact on China’s science and technology and economy.
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个人资料:他有三个孩子住在芝加哥郊区,伊利诺斯州的一个高地公园总是把他在北卡罗莱纳州大学的短裤穿在公牛队服的里面,以示好运 Personal data: He has three children l