
来源 :中国物价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heshark
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淡水,是生产和生活中不可缺少的物质。在一定程度上,我们甚至可以把淡水称之为经济的“血液”。在经济发展水平较低的阶段,人们曾经认为淡水资源是取之不尽、用之不竭的。但随符经济的发展,生活水平的提高,人们很快认识到这种看法行并不正确。20世纪70年代以后,淡水资源不足,尤其是经过人工处理、符合工业生产和人民生活用水标准的自来水,供不应求的局面日益严重。现在,“水荒”的现象已遍及我国秦岭、大别山、淮河以北的绝大部分地区和南方多数大中城市。作为我国首都的北京,因为水资源不足,已经有人预言。我们甚至可能要被迫“迁都”。因此,缓解水资源供不应求的矛盾已成为摆在各级政府、特圳足北京市人民政府面前向一项重大任务 Fresh water is an indispensable material in production and life. To a certain extent, we can even call fresh water the “blood” of the economy. At the stage of low economic development, people once thought that fresh water resources were inexhaustible and inexhaustible. However, with the development of economics and the improvement of living standards, people quickly realized that this line of view is not correct. After the 1970s, there was a shortage of fresh water resources, especially the tap water that had been manually processed and met the standards of industrial production and people’s living water supply. The situation of supply shortage was becoming increasingly serious. Now, the phenomenon of “water shortage” has spread throughout most of China’s Qinling Mountains, Dabie Mountains and the Huai River, and most large and medium-sized cities in the south. Beijing, the capital of China, has been predicted because of lack of water resources. We may even have to be forced to “relocate capital.” Therefore, the contradiction of alleviating the shortage of water resources has become a major task facing governments at all levels and the people’s government of Beijing.
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