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赴上海采访是我许久的心愿。上海,一个早在20世纪3O年代就享有“东方巴黎”之美誉的城市,在前不久胜利闭幕的APEC会议上,又向全国全世界人民展示了她的高度的城市管理水平及城市文明程度。我想,上海人民所展现出来的高度的责任意识,自觉维护安定团结、安居乐业的社会生活环境,与近10年来基层政权和社区建设的卓有建树密不可分。 2001年10月25日,就在我到达上海的当天下午,我应邀参加了上海市民政局基层政权与社区建设处在黄浦区南京东路街道办事处组织召开的上海社区建设工作会议(左下图)。这次会议既是一次工作总结,也是一个大检阅。在连续两天的会议中,我听到了来自上海各区的近30个街道党工委书记、办事处主任的发言,他们用具体生动的事例、数据,实实在在地传达了这样的一个讯息:上海的社区建设扎实、稳定、成功、有效。 在这短暂的行程中,记者匆匆走访了几个街道,还有许许多多的社区没来得及去看、去听、去感受,但即便是这样,也给记者留下了深刻的印象:上海在变化着,上海在前进着,而所有的变化,根子在街道、在一个个构筑着爱和温暖的社区里。 从本期开始的“上海五日—一个记者眼中的上海社区建设系列报道”真实地记录了这一切! Interview in Shanghai is my long-cherished wish. Shanghai, a city that enjoyed the reputation of “Paris of the East” as early as the 1930s, showed her high level of urban management and urban civilization to all the people of the world at the recent APEC meeting whose victory ended. I think the high sense of responsibility demonstrated by the Shanghai people and consciously safeguarding the social living environment of stability and unity, live and work in peace and contentment are inseparable from the remarkable contributions made by grassroots political power and community building in the past 10 years. On the afternoon of October 25, 2001, on the afternoon of my arrival in Shanghai, I was invited to attend the Shanghai Community Work Conference organized by the Grassroots Political Department and Community Construction Office of Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau in the Nanjing East Road Sub-district Office of Huangpu District ). This meeting is both a summary of work and a big review. During the two-day meeting, I heard speeches from Party secretaries and director of nearly 30 street committees in all districts of Shanghai. They used concrete and vivid examples and data to truly convey such a message: Shanghai’s community building is solid, stable, successful and effective. During this short trip, reporters hurriedly visited several streets and many communities did not have time to see, hear and feel. But even so, they left a deep impression on reporters: Shanghai was at Changing, Shanghai is moving forward, and all the changes are rooted in the streets, in communities where love and warmth are built. From the beginning of this issue, “Shanghai on the 5th - a reporter’s eyes Shanghai Community Construction Series Report” a true record of all this!
分子筛低温吸附法是目前提取氩气的一项新工艺。该工艺流程简单,避免了使用原工艺中的粗氩压缩机、粗氩贮气柜、千燥器、除氧加氢装置及除氮塔等设备。 Molecular sieve lo
可调式弹性夹具用于长衬套的外圆加工,可完成内、外径同轴度小于0.02mm 要求的工件车削夹紧,精度高于一般弹性夹具。夹具装在 C620车床主轴孔里,钢套10(附图)与夹具体9的配
下加球化剂生产球铁和蠕铁的原理如图1所示,按下面条件实施: The principle of producing ductile iron and vermicular iron under the nodulizer is shown in Fig. 1, and
一、前言 在一次能源载体的总储量中,煤炭资源最为丰富,约占总量的60%以上,而石油和天然气尚不足30%,油田页岩等其它燃料则在10%左右。按目前年开采能力,石油可开采20~25年,天然