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“I do.” To Americans those two words carry great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if you say them at your own wedding. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Marriage is se
The “Take In” restaurant in Helsinki, Finland, is currently in the news for its ingenious service. Instead of cooking the meals in its own kitchen — which doesn’t exist — it allows patrons to order va
Many of the world’s tallest skyscrapers will make you queasy if you reached their summit. But these grand buildings could soon look like a bungalow in comparison to a three-mile high skyscraper envisi
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好几次,好想写一篇关于空间的文章,今天,终于下了决心。  空间,一个非常平淡常见的字眼;空间,一个看似不值深入探讨的话题。但我,对空间却有另一番深彻的感悟。  人才觅职,大家都追求个人未来发展的空间;选购新房,大家都讲究留置书屋休闲的空间;小孩成长,大家都需要周末放松快乐的空间;婚姻感情,大家都强调双方彼此信任的空间。  没有空间,一切都将会窒息!  不信,您尽可试试。  蒙头睡觉时,把棉被盖得紧
想回草原和你一起看夕阳  其实 我是不了解故乡的  就像一个不合格的儿孙 不了解  祖先的荣耀和悲伤  就像一匹马还没有读懂  草原的宽广  揣着深圳身份证  我问自己  这是我的家吗  为什么那首情歌  总是轻易灌醉我的乡愁  我是呼伦贝尔的儿子  骑马射箭放牧牛羊  大碗喝酒热情豪放  这些对于我都是古老的传说  而对于祖先 我知之甚少  我不会骑马也不会放羊  更不会弯弓射大雕  我甚至不会
China’s biggest ice cave is located in the northern province of Shanxi. At an altitude of 2,300 meters, the cave is more than 100 meters deep. It was formed around three million years ago.  The cave,
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天气预报说今晚最低温度10度  可我知道,在深圳以北  很多地方早已大雪纷飞  此时的列车该是最不怕冷的动物  载着无数颗归心一路欢叫  母子团聚,亲人相见  该是多