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  1. I’ll come to see you if______.
  A. you’re convenient B. it is convenient for you
  C. you feel convenient D. it is convenient with you
  2. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours ______ in my study.
  A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. to be locked
  3. Mrs. Lynn has two daughters, _____, as far as I remember,are both working in the US.
  A. whom B. and who C. who D. they
  4. —Are the rules working?
   —Yes, _____ pupils are dropping out of school now.
  A. few B. less C. none D. little
  5. —Are you finishing the task?
   —_____.We need no less than three hours more.
  A. Far from it B. Exactly C. Not a little D. No wonder
  6. —I ______ to a party,but I’ve got nothing to wear.
   —Why not have a dress made for you?
  A. will invite B. have been invited
  C. was invited D. have invited
  7. She bought the ring for ¥5,000 three years ago, but now it is worth ____ the amount.
  A. double more than B. more double than
  C. more than double D. double than more
  8. —_____?
   —He is kind but sometimes a little silly.
  A. What is your brother
  B. What does your brother like
  C. What does your brother look like
  D. What is your brother like
  9. Let’s hope the weather ____ for Saturday’s tennis match.
  A. keeps up B. picks up C. carries on D. puts up
  10. When ____ New Year’s Eve arrives, I can still remember the wonderful night in _____ winter of 2002.
  A. /; the B. a; the C. /; a D. the; the
  11. Take care! This kind of glass ______ easily.
  A. is broken B. was broken C. breaks D. has been broken
  12. —How long do you think it is ________ he arrived here?
  —No more than half a year, I believe.
  A. when B. that C. before D. since
  13. I _________ you how to deal with the matter, but why didn’t you ask me?
  A. could show B. were to show C. had shown D. would have shown
  14. —The remaining food can _____ the 4 of us _____ 3 days, I think.
  —You are right. We’d better stop this forest trip right now.
  A. support; no longer than B. last; no more than
  C. feed; not more than D. supply;not longer than
  15. —_________ is now a school _________ a church.
  —Yes. Great changes have taken place in our hometown.
  A. Where; was B. Where; has been
  C. What; would be D. What; used to be
  I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly16 . I fumbled(摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had17their search. I found one. But I had no matches, for they had taken those. I18the bars at the jailer(狱卒). He did not make eye contact with me. I19out to him,“Have you got a20 ?”He looked at me, shrugged(耸肩)and came over to light my cigarette. As he came close, I21 . I don’t know why I did that. It was as though a spark jumped across the22between our two hearts. My smile leaped through the23and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed24, looking at me directly in the eyes.
  I kept25at him, and his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension(方面)too.“Do you have26 ?”he asked.“Yes, here, here.”I took out my wallet and27fumbled for the pictures of my family. He,28 , took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for29 . My eyes filled with tears, I said that I30that I’d never see my family again, never have the31to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.32 , without another word, he33my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the town.
  My life was saved by a smile. Yes, the smile―the34 , unplanned, natural connection between people. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn’t be enemies. We couldn’t have35or envy or fear.
  16. A. excited B. lonely C. impatient D. nervous
  17. A. escaped B. attracted C. confused D. misled
  18. A. broke off B. bent down C. looked through D. fixed up
  19. A. called B. let C. reached D. ran
  20. A. light B. watch C. cigarette D. key
  21. A. cried B. laughed C. smiled D. whispered
  22. A. size B. gap C. weight D. rate
  23. A. prison B. bars C. noise D. silence
  24. A. far B. calm C. near D. angry
  25. A. smiling B. shouting C. staring D. pointing
  26. A. pictures B. kids C. time D. strength
  27. A. freely B. strongly C. unwillingly D. nervously
  28. A. finally B. however C. too D. accidentally
  29. A. them B. me C. fun D. pleasure
  30. A. promised B. intended C. insisted D. feared
  31. A. idea B. chance C. desire D. hope
  32. A. Suddenly B. Gradually C. Politely D. Skillfully
  33. A. broke B. blocked C. unlocked D. left
  34. A. impossible B. invisible C. unknown D. unaffected
  35. A. hate B. dream C. competition D. poverty
  ※ 答案 ※
  1~5 BBCAA 6~10 BCDAA 11~15 CDDBD
  16~20 DACAA 21~25 CBBCA 26~30 BDCAD 31~35 BACDA
Mr. M, I Miss You So Much    My dearest Mr. Money,  You went away from me quite a long time ago. Ever since you left I have been sad all the time. Each time I pass by the bank, I can’t help but stop t
朱自清先生是现代文学史上一位杰出的散文家。他以诗歌创作步入文坛,但代表他最高文学成就的却是他的散文创作。他创作的散文作品,经过了半个多世纪的洗礼,依然放射着夺目的光辉。  朱自清自幼少年老成,性格内向,在上学期间不大爱说话,也很少与同学交往。在后来的生活中,他是九个孩子的父亲,承受着巨大的家庭重担和生活压力。在事业上,他积极进取。为了激励自己加倍努力,他改号“佩弦”,取《韩非子》“性缓,故佩弦以自
Name: Nivea B. Hamilton  Birthday: 24 March 1982  Star Sign: Aries  Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, and Design  Idol: Oprah Winfrey     The attractive singer, whose first album(专集), “Nivea” previewed by th
Love Your Life  Henry David Thoreau    However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fa
艺考,一条比起千军万马过独木桥的高考稍稍小众的道路。  人们往往喜欢称赞那些进入顶尖艺术院校,最终取得世俗意义上的成功的人。他们或许在国家美术馆开作品展览会,或许在顶级乐团做首席乐手,或许是荧屏上闪耀的男女主角。鲜花、掌声、奖杯,一众美好的事物将他们包围。  却很少有人注意到那些经历艺考的普通人。美术、音乐、表演、编导……大家努力的方向各不相同,明明也很丰富多彩,可很少有人问他们为什么踏上这条道路
艺考,对我来说已经有点遥远了。拨开尘封的记忆,脑海中最先浮现的是车窗外流动的雨水。关于艺考,有太多印象已经模糊,但我清楚地记得艺考那天,杭州下了很大的雨……  也许很多人会认为,艺考是文化课太差的同学才会做的选择,而当时的我选择的原因却很单纯——为了自己喜欢的音乐。走上艺考路,我才体会到这一切完全没有想象中容易,但是一步一步前行,伴着心跳和汗水,伴着眼泪和欢笑,伴着压力和苛责,我跌跌撞撞走向高考。
In recent years, the trend of many English-speaking people has been to address others by using the first name——Tom, Michael, Linda, Jane, etc.——rather than calling the person Mr. Summers, Mrs. Howard
1  灿烂的秋天去广州玩,和烨烨约饭时,她有点兴奋:“我中学就在看你的文,那时候完全没想过,未来有天能和你面对面坐着吃饭。”没等我反应,她又笑嘻嘻补充,“我还记得那时候你在考编导。”  我含糊地“嗯”了一下,在她的描述里拼凑出当时南京的大雪、傍晚的高铁,以及冰天里排成长龙的队伍,那是我唯一一段讲述艺考点滴的日子,后来出了糟糕的成绩,我就一直想把这件事从脑袋里抹去——毫不夸张地说,艺考是我人生至此做
◆  “疾雨曰骤雨。徐雨曰零雨。雨久曰苦雨。”  阴雨连绵了大半个月,天空把整个世界都挤压得逼仄沉闷。在触手可及的潮湿里,人很容易被一些莫名其妙的心绪胀满。下午三点多,楼下一扇绮窗里吹起了萨克斯,是似曾相识的曲调。悠扬的旋律随风缠绵,掠过的鸟儿轻巧地将其衔起,盘旋几圈,停驻在雨花窗台上一盆铁兰旁。正闲闲捧书浅斟慢饮的我,心中那酝酿多时的情愫便发了芽,突然间,有种想给你写信的冲动。  好久未曾提笔静