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国家行政机关在对社会实行管理,行使政府职能的过程中,拥有较大的自由裁量权.这种权力的行使除了要依据宪法、法律和行政法规的原则规定外,在一定程度上体现出执法者对客观事物的认识、判断和理解的程度,行政意志将起明显的制约作用.一个具体的行政行为符合准确、合法、公平、适度的原则,就能在社会上产生严格法制的示范作用,否则,轻重错置、亲疏有别,将会带来一定的负面效应,进而弱化人民政府的行政职能,造成官风不正,政弊丛生,阻碍并延缓社会主义现代化事业的进程.因此,从理论上深入探讨行政自由裁量权的利弊,采取必要的法制手段对其进行有效控制,对改善行政执法,提高行政效率,实现法治国家,从根本上铲除腐败都具有重要意义. The state administrative organs have greater discretion in the process of administering the society and exercising the government functions, and the exercise of such powers, to a certain extent in addition to the principles laid down in the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations, The level of understanding, judgment and understanding of objective things and administrative will play a significant role in restricting a specific administrative act in conformity with the principle of accuracy, legality, fairness and appropriateness, and will be able to exert a demonstrative role of a strict legal system in society. Otherwise, the grave errors will lead to certain negative effects, which will weaken the administrative functions of the people’s government, resulting in the improper administration of the officialdom and the troubles and demerits impeding the process of socialist modernization. On the pros and cons of in-depth discussion of administrative discretion, to take the necessary legal measures to effectively control them is of great significance to improving administrative law enforcement, improving administrative efficiency, achieving the rule of law in the country, and fundamentally eliminating corruption.
中国印刷技术协会第十届毕昇印刷技术奖评选委员会最终确认,上海烟草包装印刷有限公司董事、总经理、高级工程师俞志康荣获第十届毕昇印刷杰出成就奖。 China Printing Tech
行政法治不仅要求法律为行政主体的行政活动提供各种规则和标准,而且更要求这些规则和标准能够得到行政主体的高度尊重和切实执行。 The rule of law requires not only law
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