自今年2月以来,新调入长治市工作的市委书记吕日周同志每天必看《长治日报》,并对其中的40多期报纸进行了认真点评,肯定成绩,指出问题,作出明确批示,对于报纸坚持正确舆论导向,配合市委工作中心,服务于人民群众和办出自己的风格,起到了有力的指导作用。 什么是党报的内涵呢?从吕日周同志对《长治日报》的点评批示中,我们得到以下深刻启示:一是坚持政治家办报的观点。党报要与党和人民保持高度一致,要把宣传党的路线方针政策和配合党的中心工作作为自己的重要使命;二是树立人民群众的观点。党
Since February this year, Lv Ri Zhou, secretary of the municipal party committee newly recruited to Changzhi City, must read the Changzhi Daily Newspaper daily and carefully comment on 40 of the newspapers, affirming his achievements, pointing out problems and making clear instructions to the newspapers Adhere to the correct direction of public opinion, with the municipal work center, serve the people and run their own style, played a powerful guiding role. What is the connotation of the party newspaper? From Comrade Lv Ri Zhou’s comment on the newspaper Changzhi Daily, we receive the following profound revelations: First, we uphold the viewpoints of politicians in running newspapers. The party newspaper should maintain a high degree of unanimity with the party and the people and it is their duty to propagandize the party’s line, principles and policies and work with the party’s central work. The second is to establish the people’s point of view. party