Spectrometric Determination of Metal Elements in Typha latifolia L.in Jianshui County,Yunnan Provinc

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tgw
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[Objective] The aim was to determine the content of eight metal elements in Typha latifolia L.in Jianshui County,Yunnan Province,China,so as to provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of this.[Method] Contents of eight metal elements,including Fe,Zn,Cu,Ni,Co,Cd,Pb and Cr were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.[Result] There were abundant mineral elements in T.latifolia which were beneficial to human.Their contents were in the order of Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni>Co>Cd>Pb and element Cr was not detected.The content of Fe was high in T.latifolia,while Cu was relatively low.[Conclusion] There were abundant mineral elements which were necessary for human body in the T.latifolia. [Objective] The aim was to determine the content of eight metal elements in Typha latifolia L.in Jianshui County, Yunnan Province, China, so as to provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of this. [Method] Contents of eight metal elements, including Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cd, Pb and Cr were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. [Result] There were abundant mineral elements in T. latifolia which were beneficial to human. of Fe> Zn> Cu> Ni> Co> Cd> Pb and element Cr was not detected. The content of Fe was high in T. latifolia, while Cu was relatively low. [Conclusion] There were abundant mineral elements which were necessary for human body in the T.latifolia.
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理想的血铅水平应是零,但由于环境污染体内血铅常常并不为零。美国国家疾病控制中心(CDC)1991年将血铅质量浓度≥100μg/L定义为儿童铅中毒(childhood leadpoisoning)。近来