
来源 :南京政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifengjun001
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“军队要忍耐”,是邓小平同志在1985年6月4日召开的军委扩大会议上,在中央军委确定我国国防建设指导思想实行战略性转变的情况下提出的。我们只有全面地理解“军队要忍耐”的深刻含义,才能更加自觉地贯彻到实际行动中去。 一“军队要忍耐”思想体现了对国民经济建设与国防建设关系的正确把握。邓小平提出“军队要忍耐”思想时,曾说过这样一段话:“四个现代化,其中就有一个国防现代化。如果不搞国防现代化,那岂不是只有三个现代化了?但是,四化总得有先有后。军队装备真正现代化,只有国民经济建立了比较好的基础才有可能。所以,我们要忍耐几年”。在这里,邓小平深刻阐明了为什么“军队要忍耐”的道理, “The army should endure” was put forward by Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission on June 4, 1985, under the circumstances that the Central Military Commission decided that the guiding ideology of national defense construction should be strategically transformed. Only when we fully understand the profound meaning of “the military should endure,” can we more consciously carry it out into practical actions. The idea that the “army should endure” embodies the correct grasp of the relations between the national economic construction and national defense construction. When Deng Xiaoping proposed the idea of ​​“the army should endure forbearance,” he once said: “In the four modernizations, there is one in which the modernization of national defense is carried out. If we do not engage in the modernization of national defense, would there be only three modernizations? However, there must always be four modernizations Only after the actual modernization of military equipment can only be achieved if the national economy has established a relatively good foundation. Therefore, we must endure for several years. ” Here, Deng Xiaoping profoundly expounded the reason why “the army should endure”
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