
来源 :档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamformywish
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去年初,中央对开展企业全面整顿工作提出要求后,我们上海化工系统在各级领导的重视下,把档案工作也列为企业全面整顿的内容。一年多来,在已经验收的十二个企业中和正在预验收的一批企业中,档案工作结合企业全面整顿工作取得的成绩是:各企业加强了档案工作的领导,使档案工作排上了单位议事日程,有四个厂充实了科技档案干部,档案库房、装具又有了进一步改善,开展了科技档案的清理、核对、补制工作,重点基建、设备、产品科研项目的档案达到了完整、准确、系统的要求,各类档案的质量有了提高,加强了基础工作,文书材料和科技文件材料实行部门平时立卷,档案工作的管理水平逐步科学化;档案工作已纳入各业务部门,工程技术人员的职责范围和经济责任制中,档案和档案工作为四化建设服务发挥了效益。 At the beginning of last year, after demanding the request of the Central Government to carry out an overall rectification work, we at the Shanghai Chemical Industry System attached importance to the leaders at all levels and classified the file work as the content of an enterprise’s overall rectification. In the past year or so, among the 12 enterprises that have already been checked in and among the batch of enterprises that are undergoing pre-acceptance, the achievements made by the combination of the file work and the overall rectification of the enterprises are as follows: All enterprises have stepped up their efforts in archiving work and lifted their archival work The unit agenda, there are four plants enrich the files of cadres and archives of science and technology, archives, equipment has been further improved, to carry out the clean-up of scientific and technological files, checks, make up work, focusing on infrastructure, equipment, product research project archives reached Complete, accurate and systematic requirements, the quality of all kinds of archives has been enhanced, and the basic work, document materials and scientific and technical documents and materials implementation departments have been constantly rolled up and the management of archival work has been gradually scientifically carried out. The archival work has been incorporated into various business departments , Engineering and technical personnel responsibilities and economic responsibility system, archives and archives work for the four construction services have played an effective.
下食管括约肌及食管体部的清除功能在防御胃食管反流中的作用 Lower esophageal sphincter and esophageal body clearance function in the prevention of gastroesophagea
事实证明 ,信息的闭塞、交通的不便是制约地方经济发展的一只拦路虎 ,而有一支智慧、勇敢的队伍始终不逾地狠抓城市基础建设 ,专打拦路虎 ,使山区、老区、贫困区旧貌换新颜 ,