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什么是网络外部性(Network Externality)?它指的是消费面效用的增值性。当商品售出越多或预期售出数目越多时,商品的单位价值效用随之增加。以前,我们总认为消费是自己的事情,比如喝一瓶水,只有你自己享受到,别人感觉不到这瓶水带来的价值。而在具有网络效应的平台中,别人使用某产品,跟你得到的效用是相关的。比如微博,当你看到越来越多的人都在微博上,你是不是更有动力要使用这个微博,因为朋友们都去了那里。整体而言,网络外部性有两个价值:1.网络外部性改变定价规则;2.网络外部性延伸先占优势; What is Network Externality? It refers to the consumer value-added utility. When the more goods sold or the expected number of sold more, the value of goods unit utility increases. In the past, we always think spending is our own thing, such as drinking a bottle of water, only you to enjoy, others do not feel the value of this bottle of water. In a networked platform, the use of a product by someone else is related to the utility you get. Such as microblogging, when you see more and more people are on the Weibo, you are more motivated to use this weibo, because friends have gone there. Overall, the network externalities have two values: 1. Network external change pricing rules; 2. Network externality extension preemptive advantage;
在特别注重生活品味和追求时尚潮流的当今社会,象征着高贵、典雅的香水产品已经成为大众生活中不可或缺的生活用品。在琳琅满目的香水产品中,情侣香水是目前市场上最为流行的个性化香水之一。据有关资料显示,在全球香水市场中,平均每年有300多个新产品上市,总销售额约为250亿美元。其中,2006年,国际知名品牌如CHANEL、ESTEE LAUDER和DIOR的香水产品在欧洲市场的销售额为90亿美元,在美国市