
来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongdezhufangchuxu
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The scattering process of an unpolarized Bessel beam through spherical scatterers is investigated. We derive the analytical solutions of scattered fields of x- and y-polarized Bessel beams using a sphere, after which the dimensionless scattering function for an unpolarized Bessel beam is obtained. The dimensionless scattering function is applicable to spherical scatterers of any size on the beam axis or near it. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate that extreme points exist in the direction or neighboring direction of the conical angle for spherical scatterers on the beam axis, whereas the existence of extreme points depends on the ratio between the spherical scatterers size and central spot size of the Bessel beam.
设计制作和测试了用于光波长1.55 μm的40 GHz共面波导(CPW)行波电极的电光调制器。假设聚合物材料的电光系数γ33为30 pm/V,设计的调制器性能参数分别是半波电压Vπ=12.9 V和调制带宽46.46 GHz。用有完全自主知识产权的清华大学化学工程系研制的二阶非线性光学聚合物材料BPAN-NT作为聚合物电光调制器的芯层材料制作了调制器。对调制器的各项特性参数进行了直流、低频和微波的测试,在1.31和1.55 μm波长上测得直流Vπ分别为55.5和83.3 V,折算得芯层材料的电光系数γ33=
We demonstrate a femtosecond mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) using a nickel oxide (NiO) as a saturable absorber (SA). NiO nanoparticles are hosted into polyethylene oxide film and attached to fiber ferrule in the laser cavity. The NiO-SA shows
A tunable erbium-doped fiber (EDF) laser with a cascaded structure consisting of in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and traditional MZI is proposed. The transmission spectrum of the in-line MZI is modulated by the traditional MZI, which determines
A new screen-spot imaging method based on optical measurement is proposed, which is applicable to the close-range measurement of aircraft's three-dimensional (3D) attitude parameters. Laser tracker is used to finish the global calibrations of the high-sp
An electrically controlled optical chopper based on switchable holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal (H-PDLC) gratings is demonstrated through a programmable, adjustable, and periodic external driving source. Compared with traditional mechanical op
设计并制作了一种10Gb/s光收发模块, 在宽温度范围内能够保持稳定的光功率和消光比。基于背电流和光功率的换算比例, 计算其偏置电流修正值和调制电流修正值, 实现了光模块运行过程中激光器的工作参数可自动连续调节。通过高速电路信号仿真设计, 解决了信号完整性、串扰和电磁兼容等问题。光模块收发通道可以独立工作, 传输速率可达10Gb/s, 实现了光模块高速率、高稳定性以及小体积设计, 为甚短距离高速数据传输和处理提供了高可靠性的数据链接。