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社区和谐是社会和谐的重要基础。近年来,在江西省民政厅的关心指导下,在市委、市政府的正确领导下,南昌市从夯实基层基础出发,一手抓社区服务,一手抓社区自治,全面加强社区服务平台各项建设,社区建设进入全面有序发展的新阶段,已成为党政工作的重点,群众关注的热点,新闻报道的焦点,极大地推进了全市城乡和谐社会建设。本期“和谐社会建设”专版择要刊登南昌市及东湖区、西湖区、青云谱区、青山湖区各具特色的经验和做法,以资借鉴。 Community harmony is an important foundation for social harmony. In recent years, under the guidance and guidance of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, Nanchang City, starting from laying a solid foundation for grassroots work, grasps community service and grasps community autonomy in one hand and comprehensively strengthens various construction of community service platform. Community construction has entered a new stage of overall and orderly development and has become the focus of party and government work. The masses are concerned about the hot spots and the coverage of news reports, greatly promoting the construction of a harmonious society in urban and rural areas. Special Edition of “Harmonious Society Construction” in this Issue is to publish the experiences and practices of Nanchang, Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingyunpu District and Qingshanhu District in order to draw lessons from it.
本文主要分析遥测发射机中的晶体调频振荡电路,并导出晶体调频网络的参数与频率之间的关系式.最后,给出晶体调频振荡电路的实验结果和实际应用. This paper mainly analyzes
作为IBM 系列中档机的4381处理装置,组装对它的计算机能起着关键作用.因此,这种新型计算机在不需要空调冷却的情况下,提供的性能为它的前身—IBM 4341的3倍.该公司采用空气
Background: We report an unusual case of Wernicke’s encephalopathy presenting with transient upbeat nystagmus that changed to a persistent downbeat nystagmus .
对于一台笔记本电脑而言,充电电池的重要性丝毫不亚于其他任何组件。因此,消费者应当充分了解它们的类型和性能。 目前较常见的笔记本电脑电池主要有三种:镍镉电池、镍氢电池、
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中央社重庆四日电:“蒋委员长(蒋介石,编者注)已承允担任中国战区(包括越南泰国)同盟军陆空联军总司令职务。”伦敦四日路电:“蒋委员长被任为中国战区(包括越南泰 Central
A new flavonoid glucoside with a known one was isolated from the leaves of Cassia angustifolia.Based on the spectral analysis, including MS,~1H NMR,~(13)C NMR,D