
来源 :影像材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sailor111
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在最近几期的刊物制作中摄影人访谈占据了相当大的比例,看着这些文章我不时感到摄影已不再是我们传统意识中的那种定式的拍摄,而作品的表现用我们所习惯审美或许也已无法理解,在阅读某些影像的时候可说是产生了相当大的困难,但读过了这些影人的文字,我发现自己对影像的理解有了更多的认识,虽然我并不能说能完全的体会拍摄者的想法,但作为一种个人情感与思想的表达形式,这些通过相机记录的画面已经让我对这些原本阅读十分困难的影像有了部分的认识,至少我现在不会完全的排斥。每个人都对这个形象化的认识有其自身的独特见解,在这里,摄影并不仅仅局限为一种真实的记录,其已经融入了创作者个性化的视觉选择与表现,可以说在某些方面是一种异化了真实表现。而其中最核心的, 也是这些影人所想表现的并不是那表层的画面效果,其背后所蕴涵的才是这张照片的关键所在。对于摄影,我一直有一种敬畏之心,或许是与我当时所受的教育有关,但这几期的内容让我看到,摄影其实离我们非常近,每个人都可拿起手中的相机去把想法视觉化,让别人通过影像接近你了解你。 In recent publications, photo interviews occupy a large proportion of these interviews, watching these articles from time to time I feel photography is no longer the traditional way of thinking that we shoot, and the performance of the work we used to the aesthetic Perhaps it is also incomprehensible. While reading some of the images, it can be said that considerable difficulties have been encountered. However, having read the texts of these filmmakers, I found myself more aware of the understanding of images. Although I Can not say that fully understand the photographer’s thoughts, but as an expression of personal feelings and ideas, these pictures recorded by the camera has let me have some understanding of the original very difficult to read images, at least I now do not Will be completely excluded. Everyone has its own unique insight into this visualization, where photography is not limited to a true record, it has incorporated into the individual visual choices and performance of the creators, it can be said that in some Aspect is a alienation of the real performance. The core of these, but also these filmmakers want to show is not the surface effects of the picture, behind the implication of this photo is the key. I had always had a heart of reverence for photography, perhaps related to my education at that time, but the contents of these periods showed me that photography was actually very close to us and everyone could pick up the camera in his hand Visualize ideas and get others to see you through video.
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