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“长江学者奖励计划”(以下简称“长江计划”)首批特聘教授何赛灵,1999年 5月应聘到母校浙江大学,从零开始筹建“光及电磁波研究中心”,用了不到两年的时间,使中心的教学、科研、应用开发取得了令人惊叹的规模与效益。何赛灵因此而成为特聘教授中的佼佼者。 何赛灵,1966年出生于浙江临海,1988年毕业于浙江大学,1991年获瑞典皇家工学院工学博士学位,1992年被聘为瑞典皇家工学院电磁系副教授(Docent),1996年获得该校终身(tenure)职位,1999年被浙大聘为“长江计划”首批特聘教授。1992年以来,何赛灵在一流国际期刊上发表了120余篇文章和 1部专著,1997年以来为20种国际期刊编辑和审稿。 在何赛灵的努力下,经过半年多时间的艰苦筹建,浙大“光及电磁波研究中心”于 1999年 11月建成。目前中心已经有研究人员及行政管理人员18名,博士后4名,博士生31名,硕士生9名,外聘加拿大、日本、美国及瑞典的兼职客座教授,该中心目前已经拥有一支60余人的科研队伍。 目前中心正致力于光与电磁波的高科技前沿研究,如光子晶体及其在光通信中的应用,密集波分复用,光及电磁逆问题技术在生物医学中的应用。何赛灵博士成为浙大 The first Distinguished Professor Ho Sai Ling of the Cheung Kong Scholars Program (hereinafter referred to as “Chang Jiang Project”) applied to his alma mater Zhejiang University in May 1999 and started to build the “Light and Electromagnetic Research Center” from scratch. In less than two years Of the time, so that the center of teaching, research, application development achieved amazing size and effectiveness. Hesling therefore became the leader of the distinguished professors. He Xiling, born in Zhejiang Linhai in 1966, graduated from Zhejiang University in 1988, received his Ph.D. in engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden in 1991, Docent in 1992 from Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, Life tenure (tenure) positions, Zhejiang University in 1999 was appointed as the “Yangtze River Project,” the first Distinguished Professor. Since 1992, He Xiling has published over 120 articles and 1 monograph in first-rate international journals and has edited and reviewed 20 international journals since 1997. Under the efforts of Hesling, after more than six months of hard construction, the “Light and Electromagnetic Research Center” of Zhejiang University was completed in November 1999. At present, the center has 18 researchers and administrative staffs, 4 postdocs, 31 doctoral students, 9 postgraduates and part-time visiting professors in Canada, Japan, the United States and Sweden. At present, the center already has a group of more than 60 Research team. At present, the center is devoted to the high-tech frontier research of light and electromagnetic wave, such as photonic crystal and its application in optical communication, dense wavelength division multiplexing, light and electromagnetic inverse problem technology in biomedical applications. Dr. He Xiling became Zhejiang University
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