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“兑标课”的开展,旨在加强各组织和各班组之间的兑标学习和经验交流,以实现优秀带动一般和经验方法共享的目标。组织学习是当代任何组织实现快速发展、提高核心竞争力的重要因素。因此如何开展有效的组织学习,搭建组织学习的长效机制,保障组织中所有成员与团队同步快速成长,始终是困惑各级管理者的难题。通过对大量企业调研与最佳实践案例的研究,我们学习到了一种 The implementation of the “Standard Course” is aimed at strengthening the exchange of bids and experiences between organizations and teams in order to achieve the goal of excellent sharing of general and empirical methods. Organizational learning is an important factor for any organization to achieve rapid development and enhance its core competitiveness. Therefore, how to carry out effective organizational learning, build a long-term mechanism for organizational learning, and ensure that all members of an organization grow rapidly and simultaneously with the team has always been a puzzle for managers at all levels. Through a large number of corporate research and best practice case study, we learned one