For the purpose of radiation protection,the ENM-B portable neutron dose equivalent meter was developed in 2010. Fig.1 shows the structure of the ENM-B portable neutron dose equivalent meter. The ENM-B is a spherical structure with a diameter of 210 mm,different materials of spherical layers consist of neutron moderator,in the center of the meter there is a spherical 3He proportional counter tube which is filled with 1000 mmHg helium. Table 1 shows the technique parameters of 3He proportional counter tube. The neutron moderator was comprised of
For the purpose of radiation protection, the ENM-B portable neutron dose equivalent meter was developed in 2010. Fig. 1 shows the structure of the ENM-B portable neutron dose equivalent meter. The ENM-B is a spherical structure with a diameter of 210 mm, different materials of spherical layers consist of neutron moderator, in the center of the meter there is a spherical 3He proportional counter tube which is filled with 1000 mmHg helium. Table 1 shows the technique parameters of 3He proportional counter tube. The neutron moderator was comprised of