Typical phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive disease in the human body. Patients with liver phenylalanine sirtuin (PH) less than 1% of normal human activity, which can not be converted to phenylalanine tyrosine. Clinical manifestations of severe mental retardation. Using rat PH cDNA cloning For the hybridization probe, the plasmid pBR322 was used as a vector to select the human PHcDNA from human liver CDNA (part of the DNA sequence analysis showed about 90% homology), in which the human DNA fragment was inserted into the two most recombinant PhPH72 and phPH73. The authors extracted chromosomal DNA from two PKU patients with fibroblasts and two normal human lymphocytes and digested them with more than 10 restriction enzymes and then performed Southern hybridization using the phPH72 and phPH73 cDNA as probes.The results showed that the PH gene as usual