初吻 品牌与你谈恋爱

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《初吻》的病毒式传播,给时尚品牌营销提供了一个参考:打情感牌也许是一个好的选择。初次见面的男女,在镜头前,从最初的忸怩、羞涩、尴尬,到最后卸下陌生人之间的戒备,与对方深情拥吻。这就是导演塔蒂亚·佩里艾娃(Tatia Pilieva)的短片《初吻》,陌生人之间的初次亲吻。 The “first kiss” of the viral communication, fashion brand marketing provides a reference: to play emotional cards may be a good choice. Men and women who met for the first time, in front of the camera, from the initial shame, shy, embarrassed, to the last unload strangers between the alert, affectionate kiss with each other. This is the first kiss of the film by Tatia Pilieva, the first kiss between strangers.
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