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This paper summarized the recent research results of Changhe Zhou's group of Information Optics Lab in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM). The first is about the Talbot self-imaging research. We have found the symmetry rule, the regul
Objective: We study the biomedical optical properties of the color light and near-infrared fluorescence separated-merged imager. Materials and Methods: The color light and near-infrared fluorescence separated-merged imager can illuminate the visible light
Frequency tunable continuous variable (CV) entangled optical beams are experimentally demonstrated from a non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator working above the threshold. The measured correlation variances of amplitude and phase quadratures are 3
Identification of motor and sensory nerves is important in applications such as nerve injury repair. Conventional practice relies on time consuming staining methods for this purpose. Here, we use laser scanning infrared differential interference contrast
火星大气是一种太阳能泵浦的激光器。这是美国宇航局戈达德空间飞行中心物理学家与天文学家穆马(Michael Mumnia)所领导的一个研究组的惊人发现。他们观察到,该行星上层大气发射的10.4微米和9.4微米辐射比分子在125 Κ时处于局部热力学平衡时所应有的亮度高109倍。显然,入射太阳辐射能使CO2分子产生粒子数反转,并维持这种反转,从而引起受激发射。据穆马博士讲,在大气垂直截面上自然产生的总增益“至少”是0.003,穆马博士的发现将在“科学”杂志上发表。
With the evolution of a laser pulse in water, the formation of a nonlinear X wave during femtosecond filamentation is investigated based on numerical simulations. In particular, we analyze the far-field angularly resolved spectra obtained for different te
提出了5F软X光胶片对低能X射结响应的数学模型,模型中部份参数由厂家提供,其余参数由在183 eV和933 eV两能点实验标定的胶片响应曲线确定。数学模型及参数有有效性用282 eV能点处5F软X胶片的实验响应曲线进行了初步检验。