Nano-infrared imaging of localized plasmons in graphene nano-resonators

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moyixin
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We conduct in-situ near-field imaging of propagating and localized plasmons(cavity and dipole modes) in graphene nano-resonator. Compared with propagating graphene plasmons, the localized modes show twofold near-field amplitude and high volume confining ability(~ 10~6). The cavity resonance and dipole mode of graphene plasmons can be effectively controlled through optical method. Furthermore, our numerical simulation shows quantitative agreement with experimental measurements. The results provide insights into the nature of localized graphene plasmons and demonstrate a new way to study the localization of polaritons in Van der Waals materials. We conduct in-situ near-field imaging of propagating and localized plasmons (cavity and dipole modes) in graphene nano-resonators. Compared with propagating graphene plasmons, the localized modes show twofold near-field amplitude and high volume confining ability The cavity resonance and dipole mode of graphene plasmons can be effectively controlled through optical method. Furthermore, our numerical simulation shows quantitative agreement with experimental measurements. The results provide insights into the nature of localized graphene plasmons and demonstrate a new way to study the localization of polaritons in Van der Waals materials.
李尚公,1999年当选“北京市第二届十佳律师”,2000年当选“人民满意的先进个人”,2001年被评为“优秀共产党员”。目前,他还是西南政法大学北京校友会第五届联谊会会长。 “
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