
来源 :国际经贸研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodeking2009
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随着改革开放步伐的加快,山东已把同韩国进行经贸合作做为扩大对外开放、发展外向型经济的战略重点,使双方的经贸合作已经进入全面发展阶段。因此,我们有必要加以总结和进行理性的思考。几年来,山东同韩国开展经贸合作的情况可以大致归纳以下几个方面:第一,以贸易为开端,带动投资,经贸合作呈加速度迅猛发展。第二,以沿海的青岛、烟台、威海为主,具有空间上的集中性,但逐步发散的趋向愈益增强。第三,商品贸易和资本流动呈较强的单向性,但已出现向双向性转化的趋势。第四,相互贸易的商品结构处于较低层次,但正在向高层次升级。第五, With the acceleration of the pace of reform and opening up, Shandong has made economic and trade cooperation with South Korea the strategic focus of expanding opening to the outside world and developing its export-oriented economy, so that the economic and trade cooperation between the two sides has entered a stage of all-round development. Therefore, we need to sum up and rational thinking. Over the past few years, the economic and trade cooperation between Shandong and South Korea can be summarized in the following aspects: First, starting with trade, driving investment, economic and trade cooperation has accelerated the rapid development. Second, with Qingdao, Yantai, and Weihai as the main coastal areas, there is spatial concentration, but the trend of gradual divergence has increased. Third, merchandise trade and capital flows have a strong one-way nature, but there has been a trend towards two-way transformation. Fourth, the commodity structure of mutual trade is at a lower level, but it is upgrading to a higher level. fifth,
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