A 29-year-old man with tuberculosis taking rifampicin capsules (each containing rifampicin 600mg, isoniazid 600mg), 1 capsule / time, every other day. 3 months after treatment, the symptoms improved on their own withdrawal. 1 year after the patient again cough, night sweats and other symptoms, then according to the original dose of the compound taking rifampicin capsules. After medication 8d, nausea, vomiting, back pain, facial and lower extremity edema, oliguria, brown urine. Laboratory tests showed BUN21.2mmol / L, SCr877.8μmol / L, urinary protein (+) and urinary occult blood (+++). ECT showed that the GFR of the left and right kidneys were 21.11ml / min and 20.98ml / min. Disable the compound rifampin capsules, hemodialysis, symptomatic and supportive treatment, 25d after the symptoms improved.