军魂之基 胜利之源——试论新泉整训的历史意义

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新泉整训是古田会议前毛泽东对红四军中存在的非无产阶级思想进行初步整顿的思想政治运动。在关系红四军生存和发展的重大历史关头,新泉整训明确了发展方向,凝聚了革命力量,开始了红四军由涣散到集中,由弱小到强盛重大转折,使红四军转危为安。新泉整训是我军建设史上第一次正规的政治军事整训,扩大了党和红军的政治影响,坚定了红军官兵和广大人民群众走农村包围城市道路的自信心。新泉整训倡导实事求是的思想路线,大兴调查研究之风。这是中国共产党从中国实际出发,探索党的建设和人民军队建设规律的伟大创造。新泉整训培育和锤炼了大批党和军队的领导骨干,为党和人民军队的发展壮大创造了重要的条件。新泉整训坚持了党对军队绝对领导的根本制度,为古田会议决议形成奠定了理论和实践的基础,为党和人民军队的建设提供了成功范例和丰富经验。 The training of Xinquan is a ideological and political movement in which Mao Zedong conducted a preliminary rectification of non-proletarian ideas existing in the Red Army before the Gutian Conference. At a major historical juncture in relation to the survival and development of the Red Army, the training of Xinquan clarified the direction of development and unite the revolutionary forces. It began the process of dispersing the Red Fourth Army from aggression to concentration and from weak to powerful turning point, turning the Red Army into danger. The training of Xinquan was the first formal training in political and military affairs in the history of our army construction. It expanded the political influence of the party and the Red Army and strengthened the self-confidence of the officers and soldiers of the Red Army and the masses of the people in following the road of encircling the cities from rural areas. Xinquan rectification training advocates the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, the style of investigation and study in Daxing. This is a great creation of the CPC from the reality of China and of exploring the party building and the law of building the people’s army. The training of new springs has nurtured and tempered a large number of leading cadres of the party and the army and created important conditions for the development and growth of the party and the people’s army. The rectification training of Xinquan upheld the fundamental system of the party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces, laid the foundations of theory and practice for the formation of the resolution of the Gutian Conference, and provided a successful example and rich experience for the party and the people’s army.
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